Chapter 41.

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"...we also found out about a secret cousin" Olivia continued "bro no way, what's their name?" "Her name is Daisy, well she is our half cousin but yeah, her mom was Aunt Evelyn" "the sneaky bitch, never liked her" "Ari..." "Sorry, I didn't mean it" Olivia rolled her eyes at her younger sister "sorry for being absent for the past 5 years, I hope I can make up for it" "who cares, you're here now and we can finally be actual sisters again" they both laughed "I can go and make the spare bed if you want to crash out there for a while, then I can find you somewhere to live?" "Sure, but you don't need to find anywhere for me to live, I can do that" "you sure?" "Yeah it's fine, I can't let you do it" "now show me the way" Aria added and they headed to the guest room.

"Make yourself at home, I have to go out but I'll be back, grab anything you need" Olivia said putting the final pillow down "thank you so much and I'm sorry" "no problem, we can spend time together again, so stop saying sorry and accept it" Aria smiled and Olivia left the room. "Daisy I'm coming over" "I don't think that's a good idea" "Daisy I don't care if you have Charles over, it's an emergency" "ugh fine" Daisy said and hung up. Olivia rung the doorbell, she didn't tell Daisy she was outside. "I told you she would be 10 min- hey Olivia jeez you're quick" "I was already outside now let me in" Daisy made room and Olivia walked in.

"Aria is here" "who?" "My sister stupid" "oh wait isn't that-" "yes your cousin, the one that hated your mom and me" "omg" "yes now she is staying in the guest room but I don't know what to do" "how am I supposed to help you?! I'm still learning the fact that you didn't know me" "I have had too many surprises this year and only Lando could help me, he isn't picking up his messages and you are my only other family member...well not anymore but that's besides the point, help me!" She shook Daisy's arms "okay okay! Is she sorry?" "Yes! That's why she is here!" "Well okay um..." Charles walked in and saw them both just rambling away all panicked "what is going on here?" You could hear his accent on "here" "Aria is here" "omg you're being dramatic" Daisy said "what am I supposed to do!? She hasn't spoken to me in years!" Olivia said looking at Daisy, Daisy looked back at Olivia and rolled her eyes "I don't even know her!" Daisy said "I bought a banana costume last year!" Charles joined in and the girls stopped to look at Charles "we were all yelling so" he shrugged his shoulders "well I'll leave you both to it" Charles was about to walk out but Daisy pulled him back "oh no you don't!"

"I honestly think just spending the day with her would be a good idea, catch up a little bit more, ask her questions about herself, her personal life! Stop walking and listen" Lando pulled Olivia back as they were in the supermarket "I heard you! But I feel like I'm talking to a stranger, we don't even know each other anymore" "that's why you should spend the day with her!" "I don't know Lan" "just do it, I think it will be a good thing, you both have each other, she is your only sister left" "okay you're right I'm sorry" "why are you apologising?" "I don't know, sorry" "you do that too much, now let's get these groceries and get home, I want cuddles" Lando said and Olivia rolled her eyes.

"BROWNIES ARE READY" Olivia yelled as Lando covered his ears walking into the kitchen "oh there you are, they have colled down a bit so they aren't too hot but try one!" "Okay..." He took a bit and immediately loved it "omg that's amazing" "what's all the yelling for?" Aria walked in and asked "Liv made brownies" "omg are those the ones you baked when we were little?!" Aria got all excited "maybe..." Liv smiled "give me some!" Liv cut a slice and gave it to Aria "omg nostalgia i swear to god oh my-" Lando started laughing and Aria's reaction "you definitely get your dramaticness (idk if this is a word but idc cause ik what I mean) from Liv" Olivia flipped her hair that was in a ponytail "of course" and they all started laughing.

"Browniessssss" Olivia said walking into Jack's apartment and put the brownies down before walking into the living room "oh my eyes" she covered her eyes and walked right out "you didn't knock!" Jack said scrambling around and Jade hid round the corner "well I didn't think that you would be fucking my manager right now!" Olivia yelled from round the corner "you can come in now" Jade said, Olivia got the brownies and went back into the room as Jade was fixing her hair "it's weird to think you guys work for me and yet you guys have a normal life, but anyways, here" she put the brownies down then ran her hands through her hair "this is awkward now isn't it?" Jade asked "well now you just made it awkward" Jack replied "I also wanted to just hang out but like I'm gonna go, gotta go and hang out with my sister" Olivia turned round and Jack said "oh have fun with your sis- sister?!" "Yes Aria is here" "but she hasn't been-" "I know Jack" Olivia laughed "I'll talk later" she waved and left.

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