Chapter 7.

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"AND WE ARE RACING IN JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA" there was one more race left of this season, tension was still high and some people werent even racing next season. Like Alex Albon, Romain Grosjean, Kevin Magnussen...

"I need this championship win, its been a dream and I'm currently fighting against Lewis, I have to beat him" she explained to her assistant and trainer, Jade and Jack. She was stressing...a lot. She was tied with Lewis, she was annoyed with Lando, stressed with the press, it was all too much. "You need to win it for the team, its the first championship for AlphaTauri, you have to push as hard as you can" Jack said "she is trying but it's all overwhelming a the minute" Jade said, they started arguing, they don't always get on, that's because they used to date. "I'm done with this shit" Olivia got up and left the driver's room. She walked out onto the paddock and started hyperventilating, everyone watching every move she made. She couldn't take it, she went round the corner, slid down and curled up into her knees.

"Olivia you okay?" A voice asked, she looked up and it was Charles. "No but I don't want to talk about it" she said and he sat down next to her "is it Lando?" He asked "yeah...wait no, ugh I can't deal with this" she replied and lowered her head again. "Want some water?" He asked and she took the bottle from him "I can get Seb another bottle, he can wait, now spill everything and I can help you" he said and she nodded her head. She took a deep breath and explained a few things to him, he sat there and listened. When she finished, he hugged her, he always saw Olivia like a sister, someone he could lean on and she could do the same.

"Take a deep breath, get up and take a walk round the paddock, walk down the track, just take your mind off things" he suggested "thanks Charles" she hugged him again, he got up and helped her up, she thanked him again for the water before they went their separate ways. She sighed before putting her earphones in and pressed play on her phone.

"LIV" someone yelled her name and she turned round, it was Jack "I ran round the whole paddock and track just to find you, Franz wants to talk to you, you know, the usual talk before practice" he said "yeah sure, sorry, needed a break"

They walked back to the paddock. As they were walking, Lando ran up to Olivia and hugged her "where have you been?!" He asked and she awkwardly chuckled, she let go and continued walking "Livvvvvv why are you ignoring meeeee?" He whined and she put her hood up even though it is boiling hot in Saudi Arabia. "Liv seriously, have I done something wrong?" He asked holding her arm "I want to talk about it after this weekend, I'm not in the mood right now, just want to focus on this race" she said before pushing him off and walked with Jack to the garage.

"Olivia you know the drill, push as hard as you can, and bring back a win" Franz said "I  do, I think I nail it everytime" she chuckled "that's the attitude I like" he patted her lightly on the back before she walked back into her driver's room. "We have a couple of hours before practice starts, want to go see some fans?" Jade asked "sure, but if you and Jack argue again I swear to god-" "we won't, come on" she said and left, Liv followed and they walked to the gates. "OLIVIA" everyone chanted "hi" she walked over to a little girl who was really happy to see Liv. "I want to be like you when I'm older" the little girl said, Olivia put her hand through the gate and placed her hand on the girls face "you will get there, keep pushing, it takes hard work but I know you will do it" Liv put a warm smile on her face before standing up and signing a few things.

A few people saw other drivers and ran over to them but the little girl and her parents stayed. "Her name is Arabella, she is a massive fan and really wanted to meet you today" her dad said "can we open the gate?" Liv asked Jade, she nodded her head after debating with herself then opened it, Liv sneakily walked out, picked the girl up and gave her a hug. It made Olivia tear up, she was inspiring little girls to do what they love, not caring about what others say or think. "Where are you from Arabella?" Liv asked "England" she shyly said "I could tell by that accent, where abouts?" Liv asked her mum "Silverstone" the mum replied. "Will I see you next year in Silverstone?" Liv asked and the girl nodded "I will look out for you this weekend and in Silverstone okay? Give you a big wave and smile" Liv said and the girl went really shy and nodded "okay I have to go but love you and keep my advice in mind okay?" She kissed the girl's head and put her down "thank you so much Olivia" the dad said "its okay, she reminds me of myself, I have to go but see you race day?" Liv said and the parents nodded their heads.  Liv walked in the gate and waved to Arabella, the gate shut and they walked off. "That was a very heartfelt moment between you two" Jack said with his hand on his heart "she reminded me of myself, my sister was the same, she will do good in the world, in the future, I know it" Olivia said. The moment was adorable.

As Liv was walking down the paddock, she caught Lando's eye, he waved but she kept her head down and ignored him. She knew she couldn't do it for forever but she did it for now so she could focus on the race.

Race day...
The pressure was on Olivia and Lewis. They were two Championship contenders. Tension between the two on track, off track, they were friends, not close though. "MAX VERSTAPPEN SQUEEZES PAST VALTTERI BOTTAS AND NEEDS TO GET PAST OLIVIA WILLS AND LEWIS HAMILTON TO BE ABLE TO WIN THIS GRAND PRIX, AND OH OLIVIA WILLS GOES ROUND THE OUTSIDE OF LEWIS HAMILTON AND JUST MADE IT PAST HIM!" The commentator said. "Go Olivia!" Arabella yelled as she stood with her family, she knew Olivia was going to win. She just had the gut feeling.


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