AU: Tonks House: Dec 25, 1969

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So, I was reading Teddy's (hpaddict_marauders)'s book The Black Sheep (which is amazing, and if you haven't read it, what are you doing? Go read it) and I had this absolutely fantabulous idea that I was like "Must Write Now". So here we go.

TW: Child Abuse

AU: Tonks House: Dec 25, 1969

Sirius clutched to his older cousin, Andromeda's, arm like his little brother clutched to his favourite stuffed dragon, fearing that if he were to let go, his entire life would evaporate in front of his eyes. Screams and shouts filled the air, targeting Andromeda. Sirius could feel her arm tense as every word became more harsh, but Andromeda's face remained stoneless, devoid of any form of emotion.

It had been Christmas dinner, and it had begun as normally as any event in the Black family could have. Each person wore black dress robes identical to the next, and each person's hair was prim and neat down to every curl. The only thing out of place in the scene was Sirius's large, violet, bruise which formed just above his cheek from when he had carried on about not wanting to wear the matching robe. 

The table was silent, the only sounds the scraping of utensils on plates, and the occasional sniffle from Sirius which was stopped with a stern look from his mother across the table. Sirius kicked Andromeda softly under the table; he had insisted hw sit next to her, to try and get her attention, to try and believe that anything was better than what he was facing at that moment.

Andromeda gave him a reassuring squeeze on his thigh, and whispered so that only he could hear her, "You're okay." He wasn't quite sure about that, but he let the words fill his brain. 

He looked around the table and met the eyes of his younger brother, who sat between his parents. Regulus, despite only being eight, sat up as straight as possible, and ate with the amount of etiquette that a queen would be jealous of. The only thing that showed his true age was his prized possession, a stuffed dragon he refused to let leave his side. The dragon sat on his lap, somehow acting as prim and proper as Regulus was. Their mother attempted to have Regulus leave the dragon behind, but with Sirius's disapproving behaviour, she found that a dragon was the least of her worries. "Hey," mouthed Sirius. Regulus didn't reply, looking down at his plate and his dragon.

Dinner drew itself to a close, and Andromeda stood up, dusting her robe from the front and pushing her chair in, gesturing for Sirius to do the same. "Sirius and I are going into the living room," she said. Sirius admired how sure she sounded of herself. 

But, of course, her parents didn't approve of this tone as much as Sirius did. "Actually Andromeda," the first indication that something was wrong should have been Druella's voice. It was sweet like chocolate dipped strawberries. "We need to speak to you. The other children may be excused."

Regulus obeyed quickly, grabbing his dragon and rushing out of the room, Narcissa in tow. Bellatrix sat for a moment, looking at the green engagement ring that rested on her finger, unsure if she counted as a child or as an adult. After a moment's hesitation, she stood up and followed her little sister and cousin. The only child who didn't move was Sirius, still sitting in his seat with his legs crossed underneath him.

"Sirius," said his mother, "Please go to the other room."

"Not without Andy." He pulled his legs up and wrapped his arms around them, in an attempt to feel smaller than he truly was. "I want to play with Andy."

His mother sneered, "You're far too old to be playing, Sirius. And if you don't go into the other room, you'll have a matching bruise on the other cheek." Sirius didn't feel far too old to play. He was only ten, and wouldn't even start Hogwarts for nearly two years. But, he stayed in his spot, glued down. "Oh, you little—"

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