Potion Lecturer: 11 March, 1977

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Potion Lecturer: 11 March, 1977

"We are going to be late to Potions!" Remus anxiously said. The four boys were fooling around in the Common Room, and Remus had been trying to get them to prepare for their next lesson.

"I don't take Potions," Peter pointed out, "I have free time right now."

"So not Peter," Remus had started pacing the room, his hands shaking anxiously. "But James, Sirius, and I HAVE to get Potions! I'm not good at it! How am I supposed to pass the class? I'm going to fail."

"Moony, you're taking the N.E.W.T class because you passed your Potions exam! You'll be fine!" James said, but sensing Remus's nerves, he stood up anyway, "I'm ready to go because you're so anxious."

"Padfoot?" Remus was already at the door. 

"I'm coming, Moony, I'm coming."

The three boys made it to class on time, barely. The sound of the bell rang across the halls like a gong set off the second they entered the classroom.

They quickly shuffled their way to their desks, and Lily, who sat next to Remus, raised an eyebrow in his direction. Remus tried his best to convey his "I'm best friends with two idiots," look, which Lily seemed to understand.

Slughorn was standing in front of the class, an oddly jolly smile spread across his face. "Today, we have a guest Potion Lecturer for our N.E.W.T. classes." He informed the group, and a man walked through the door on que.

The reaction of the room varied largely depending on the person. Most of the class looked either rather indifferent at the man, or curious as to who he was. The only three without one of the former two reactions was the Marauders present. Remus donned a warm smile, one that crinkled the edges of his lips, and turned the scar on his cheek into a smile of its own. Sirius's smile was even larger, though his eyes conveyed a different emotion, surprise. His grey eyes shone with confusion and delight, when you had know idea something was going to happen, but when it did, it seemed as if you had been waiting for that exact moment your entire life. James — on the other hand — James's jaw dropped as if someone had tied an anchor  to it. Lily's curiosity only grew when she saw the Marauder's reaction.

Her curiosity was satisfied when the man opened his mouth to introduce himself. "Hello, my name is Fleamont Potter."

Behind the four, they heard a small snort. Defensively, James and Sirius snapped their head to see a group of Slytherins chuckling to themselves. To their immense surprise, Snape sat with an emotionless expression etched on his pale complexion.

"Yes?" Fleamont's eyes found their way to Snape.

"Are you by any chance related to James Potter?" James's name escaped his mouth like poison, as if it was difficult to say.

Fleamont chuckled, "Yes." His eyes glanced at James and Sirius, who were sending nearly identical glares at the chuckling Slytherins. "I'm sure you know my sons, James and Sirius."

Sirius's head snapped at the sound of his name, his glare dissolving almost instantaneously and replacing itself with a smile even larger than before.

A Slytherin girl raised her hand, but didn't wait to be called on before blurting out, "I feel bad for you, sir, that sounds like a tragedy."

Fleamont gave her an exasperated smile, and shake of his head, "You get used to it. Now, the real reason I'm here. Potions!"

The class flew by quickly with Fleamont speaking. Lily was completely befuddled by the fact that, with the presence of their father, James and Sirius didn't fool around all period. Well, James had spent his time doodling away at the corner of his notes. Sirius, on the other hand, seemed almost eager to prove to Fleamont that he was a good student. When the bell rang,  Lily, James, Sirius, and Remus stayed behind.

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