Too Much Gossip (Bellatrix Black and Rita Skeeter): 29 Apr. 1967

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This is neither Sirius nor Regulus, sorry about that. It's actually Bellatrix Black and Rita Skeeter. The two were both canonically born in 1951, and the comedic idea of the two of them sharing a dorm was too good to pass up. Hope you enjoy anyway.

Too Much Gossip (Bellatrix Black and Rita Skeeter): 29 Apr. 1967

Bellatrix Black sat on the couch in the Slytherin Common Room, her Astronomy homework sprawled out in front of her.

Bellatrix felt herself nodding in and out of consciousness, despite it only being about seven in the evening. 

To her left, her younger sister, Andromeda, was reading a novel.


She groaned at the sound of the voice, as her roommate, and sworn enemy, Rita Skeeter came running into the room.

Andromeda quickly shut her book, "I'm going to bed, Bella," she said in a hushed whisper, before bolting up to her bed.

"What do you want, Rita," mumbled Bellatrix in a bored tone, starting to stack her Astronomy papers. Unlike Andromeda, if Bellatrix went to her dorm, Rita would just follow her, insisting she listen to the latest gossip.

"You're not going to believe what I heard!" She squealed, thrusting a small journal in front of her, so Bellatrix could read Rita's name in it's fine cursive. 

"If it's that you have an inability to keep your mouth shut, then yes, I'd believe it." Bellatrix snapped at her, standing up abruptly.

"That's not it," responded Rita, adjusting her spectacles on her nose, "It's even better!"

Bellatrix's dark eyes narrowed, and her already curled black hair seemed to stand on end. "Look, Skeeter," she began as if speaking to a baby. "No one actually cares about the school's gossip. We're taking our O.W.L.'s soon. Why don't you do something useful with your life."

"I'm doing something useful," Rita responded.

"Yeah, right," scoffed Bellatrix, turning on her heels towards their dorms.

"I am!" insisted Rita, "How's the school supposed to keep up with the gossip if I'm not there."

"I don't know," Bellatrix rolled her eyes, "Maybe actually focus on something not fabricated for once."

"Are you saying my stories are fabricated, Black?"

"Are you saying they're not?" Bellatrix let out a cackle, "That's the proof. Right there. You're a no good liar, Skeeter."

"Well, at least I'm not planning on joining You-know-who for a job." Rita spat. 

Bellatrix snapped her head, "Well, at least I'm not corrupting the minds of people."

"You're an awful friend."

"Who said we were friends?"

"I hate you!"

"Glad we can agree on something." Bellatrix gave her a sickly sweet smile, "I can't wait to graduate in two years."

Rita brought her journal to her chest, and glared, "And why might that be?"

"So I never have to see your stupid face again." Bellatrix stormed back to her dorm, leaving Rita in her dust.

Rita sat on the green couch, put the journal atop of the small table, and pulled out a quill and ink. "Now what did Bellatrix Black do today," she whispered maliciously as she began to scribble down words. 

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