The Marauder's Pet Dog: 7 Jan. 1976

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The Marauder's Pet Dog: 7 Jan. 1976

Regulus's Point of View

"I'm going to the library, Evan," I tell Evan Rosier. We were sitting on the couches in the Common Room, starting the work that we had already received on only the first day back. "I'm going to get a book on Transfiguration."

Evan looked up at the clock before nodding, "You want me to come?"

"I'm fine," I mumbled, getting myself up and shutting the book I had opened in front of me. "I'll be back in a few moments."

Evan gave me a small wave, before sticking his nose back in the book he had. 

I walked out the Common Room, ignoring the fifth years (namely Mulciber and Avery) calling out my name. I assumed they wanted to talk about my brother, who's in their year. It's no secret that he ran away from home. Actually, I'm surprised I didn't see fireworks during the opening feast last night that said, "I'VE BEEN DISOWNED!" As much as I miss him, it was probably for the better. I've seen some of the things Mother and Father did to him. He's happier that he's gone, and I should respect that. 

Finally snapping out of my thoughts, I saw my two of my brother's best friends, Remus Lupin, James Potter, and Peter Pettigrew, I believe, walking down the hallway with — was that a dog? I didn't know that dogs were allowed at Hogwarts, but then again, I knew a student who had a rat, yet there was no rat on the list. So, I decided not to question it.

The dog, a large black one similar to the Grim, had a bright pink collar, and looked offended to be walking down the corridor. Remus was holding the dog's leash, and was muttering something I couldn't hear underneath his breath. James followed behind, stumbling with every step because he was cackling with laughter. Peter was looking side to side as if he was nervous. 

Peter noticed me, and said, "Hello, Regulus," in a timid tone. Remus gave me a blank expression, and James composed himself enough to stand up straight.

"Is that your dog?" I asked.

The dog barked, and James let out a laugh again, but responded, "Yup! His name's Snuffles!"

The dog barked again, but this time sounded almost annoyed.

"Snuffles?" I frowned

Remus gave James a look before turning back to me. "Yes, Snuffles. We had a huge quarrel over what his name was going to be, we got him over Christmas break."

"I wanted to name him Midnight because of his fur colour," piped up Peter. "And Sirius wanted to name him Sirius Black Jr."

"It would be Sirius Black IV because Sirius is the third." I responded without thinking. I looked around the group, "Where is my brother anyway?"

"Our dorms." Remus responded a little quickly, "He didn't want to take Snuffles on a walk because he's still upset about his name."

"Sounds right. Who named Snuffles?" 

"I did!" James said, puffing out his chest in pride, "Didn't I, Moony?"

Remus rolled his eyes, "Yes, you did. Well, it was nice seeing you Regulus. I'm sure you had something to do. We better be off before Sirius gets worried." 

"Alright. Can you tell my brother I said hello? And that our house is a lot quieter without him?" 

"I will." James promised me. He snatched the leash from Remus's hand, and broke into a run, the dog bolting beside him. 

"We better catch up, Peter," Remus said, looking at where James and Snuffles ran off. 

"I'm not running. We'll reach the same spot in the end." Peter stated. 

Remus shrugged, and the two walked off.

I made it to the library and got the book I needed, and went back to the Common Room, thinking about the black dog.

{I decided to give first person POV a shot. If you were wondering, I personally think that the pink collar was a joint present from the other Marauders to Sirius (It was 1000% Remus idea, though James tried to take credit for it). Now, why were the Marauder's walking Sirius in dog form a random day in January is up to interpretation).

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