Family Dispute: 1 July, 1968

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Sirius huffed as he tied his tie, his legs dangling aimlessly off the edge of his bed.

"SIRIUS!" shrieked Walburga, "HURRY UP, WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!"

Sirius did not hurry up, he took his sweet time standing up, and slowly making his way down the steps. His father saw him, and grabbed his wrist, violently dragging him the rest of the way.

Regulus looked scared in his father's direction, but didn't say a word as his mother handed out the floo powder to each family member.

Each of them disappeared; first Walburga, then Regulus, then Sirius, then finally Orion, with the words "Cygnus Black's house!"

Their family was already there, all sitting on the couch in a proper manner, bar Andromeda, who was lying on the smaller loveseat, her legs flung over the side.

"Sit up, Andromeda!" scolded Druella, looking at her middle daughter with distaste, "Be a woman."

"I'm fifteen, mother," Andromeda reminded her, "I don't have to be a woman yet."

"In some societies you'd be married with children already," commented Narcissa.

"Yeah," laughed Bellatrix, "If she wasn't burned at the stake."

Andromeda sat up, only because Sirius had walked over to her, and he sat down beside her, keen to stay away from any other family members. "You know, Bellatrix, if any of us were to be burned at the stake, it would be you." said Sirius.

"No!" exclaimed Bellatrix, "I wouldn't be stupid enough to get caught by muggles and mudbloods. Andy thinks they're all that and more and would gladly go with them."

Andromeda glared at her, and Sirius looked between the two sisters.

"Muggles and mudbloods would burn us at the stake?" asked Regulus, his eyes widening as he looked in horror around the room. The adults, bar Bellatrix who had recently turned seventeen, had left the living room during the argument, leaving Bellatrix, Andromeda, Narcissa, Sirius, and Regulus alone.

Bellatrix nodded gravely, "Oh yes, they want nothing more than us to be dead."

"You want nothing more than for them to be dead," rebuked Andromeda.

"Well, they deserve it!"

"Maybe they think we deserve it." stated Sirius quietly.

Bellatrix scoffed, "What would you know? You're like five! Listen to the adults, Sirius."

"I'm eight!" said Sirius harshly, "I'll be nine in November!"

"Exactly," sneered Bellatrix, "You don't understand."

Sirius crossed his arms and glared at her, "I understand more than you think I do."

Regulus stared, mouth slightly agape, at Sirius, "You want to be caught by Muggles and Mudbloods?"

"See? Regulus has the right idea, and he's only seven!" exclaimed Bellatrix.

"You want to kill someone, Reggie?" Sirius asked.

"Well - er - no...." whispered Regulus.

"What if they're trying to kill you?" added Bellatrix.

"Er - uh?" Regulus stuttered.

"That would only lead to more killings!" Andromeda shot up, her eyes swirling with fury, "Someone's got to be the bigger person!"

"Those things aren't like us!" shouted back Bellatrix. "Right, Cissy?"

Narcissa looked as if she wanted to be anywhere but where she was, "Yes," she whispered.

"I'm going to my room," said Andromeda, "Are you coming, Sirius?" she added as she stormed out of the room.

The eight-year-old nodded quickly, and stood up, sending a glare over his shoulder as he scurried off.

"She's tainting him," muttered Bellatrix, "At this rate he won't even be in Slytherin."

"Andy's a Slytherin, though," Narcissa reminded her.

"She might as well not be," Bellatrix rolled her eyes. "I'll be going to the kitchen." She stormed out of the room.

"What do you think, Cissy?" Regulus murmured.

"I think that our family's mad," Narcissa responded.

She tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear, looking between both sides, one with Bellatrix, and one with Andromeda and Sirius. She held out her hand, and Regulus grabbed it, and the two of them walked towards the kitchen, sealing their fates as the pureblood.

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