Marauders as Things I've done/ do

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I was thinking about what things I do that could correspond to each Marauder and Co. (I've been told I act the most like James, and his was the easiest to figure out (second was Remus) and the hardest was Frank. Also, I did only Gryffindors + One Slytherin (not Snape, because I have literally nothing in common with Snape, we are very very different ends of the spectrum) which is ironic because I'm a proud Hufflepuff (🦡) but anyway, here's the Marauders and Co. as things I've done/do


- Standing up in a boat to try to be cool, but losing balance and dropping your glasses in the water

- Doodling on the corner of your notes

- Not being able to wear long sleeves inside without rolling them above your elbows

- Messy hair 24/7

- Waking up your friends by banging together a pot and pan while singing "Rise and Shine" at the top of your lungs

- Doing every single line dance and a DJ or something of that sorts, and trying to teach your friends, but getting too into it yourself you just say, "The next step is that!"

- "I'm not screaming, I'm just talking loudly"


- Skipping down the hallway at school singing, "We're off to see the Wizard!"

- Saying that your aunt and uncle can't get married because you don't want to see them kiss, despite being apart of the wedding party

- Always wearing combat boots

- Having a mini dance party with yourself because you've been sitting at the computer (or desk) for too long

- Always getting way too invested into board games and sports

- Awkwardly sitting in the corner at family events doing anything but socializing

- "That's my name. Don't wear it out"


- Clutching a book to your chest like it's your lifeline while walking down the hallway

- Eating chocolate instead of dinner

- Debating with yourself over just about everything

- Facepalming when your best friend does something stupid

- Helping your friends with homework everyday, but deep down wanting to procrastinate yourself

- Drinking a smoothie in the back of a store because your friends are in the changing room trying on outfits and saying "Uh-huh" every time they ask your opinion

- "I'll just opt out of gym and commentate on the stupid things everyone does"


- Sitting on the armrest of the sofa while your friends are cuddling on it

- Always having your book bag unzipped

- Trying to look around and through the large circle of people just to see the centre

- Forgetting to do homework, and rushing to do it during breakfast or lunch

- Not being able to spell for the life of you

- Taking a hike in your pajamas because your friends insisted, but you were too lazy to change

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