A Broken Promise: 24 June, 1979

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"It's almost over!" Evan Rosier exclaimed, waking Regulus Black up by jumping on the corner of the bed, a large smile plastered on his face.

Regulus let out a small chuckle and sat up, but his large grin showed his true emotion. "I can't believe we actually made it!"

It was the morning of the two boys' graduation, and neither could believe that their years in Hogwarts were drawing to a close.

One of their dorm mates let out a tired plea for Regulus and Evan to be quiet, and they chuckled together before getting ready as quietly as they could.

Since they were up early, they sat in the Common Room playing a game of chess, strongly anticipating the day to come.

"What are we planning to do? Pawn to C4." asked Evan, biting his bottom lip in concentration, despite having only made one move.

"Pawn to A5." Regulus looked up, "Isn't it obvious? We've both already taken the Dark Mark."

Evan made another move, but was still frowning at Regulus. "I know that." he said, "But what about jobs? Don't you reckon we'd outta get one, or have a plan for when the Dark Lord takes over?"

"I guess." replied Regulus, "I'm not exactly sure what I'd want to do."

"What does your brother do?" 

The mention of Sirius Black fell over the two like a dementor, leaving both boys with a cold, empty feeling inside.

"I – I'm not exactly sure." said Regulus earnestly after some time. "You know I don't have any contact with him. He's practically a Potter now, I think they might've even officially adopted him. He's got a new brother now, what would he need me for?"

"I thought maybe you would have heard over the summer." Evan frowned, "And you're still related, despite the fact he's a blood traitor."

"I think this is why everyone thinks we're too soft for our own good, Ev," Regulus chuckled, "Well, anyone who's seen us alone, that is. The rest of the people think we're heartless followers ready to kill any mudblood at a moment's notice."

Evan checked Regulus before speaking again, "Isn't that what we are? Heartless followers?"

Regulus shook his head viciously, "We've both got a lot more depth to us than we show."

Evan checkmated and Regulus sighed in defeat. While Regulus put away the set, Evan spoke in a quiet tone. "You're going to do something stupid? After we graduate?"

"No, I don't plan on it. I'm just saying, you and I are much more than we appear to be."

"Promise me something?"

Regulus laid down on the sofa he sat on, and carefully looked at his watch, examining the time. "What?"

"Promise me you won't get yourself killed." Evan's eyes were brimmed with tears, and his breathing was rapidly increasing.

Regulus stared at him unabashedly before nodding, "You promise me too?" 

Evan nodded slowly.

Regulus Black laid down his life for the greater good less than six months later. Evan Rosier was killed a year later by Aurors by Alastor Moody for trying to evade arrest. Both of them took their last breath thinking about the broken promise they made early that June morning. A promise neither of them could keep.

A/N: Sorry that was so short, I just wanted a small, sad one.

I wanted to ask my readers, do you have any ideas about what my next oneshot should be? Comment it! All I need is a prompt (can be as short as a word) which brother it's based on (Sirius or Regulus) and what date.

Sorry if you're looking for a ×Reader, I'm not open to doing that. You can comment a ship with either brother if you like, and I'd be open to trying it. I'm not the best with romance, but I'd give it a shot.

Please give me ideas! I hope to be hearing from you all! Signing out, Maddy

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