The Marauder's Handbook

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Dedicated to my in real life friend who doesn't have Wattpad. She helped me name the DADA Professor (I still can't believe I actually used it), and was on the phone with me when I was writing this, and constantly getting useless updates on the word count. (FYI, this oneshot is fairly long.  9623 words long to be exact. If you can't read it all at once, I understand. Though, I hope it's good enough to be emotionally invested in it, catch my drift? You all don't want  to hear me rambling anymore, do you?

Ships: Jily, Wolfstar (But you all know how I am writing romance... It's more like mentions, especially Wolfstar. You'll understand it when you read it)

The Marauder's Handbook

In which Sirius and Remus give Harry the Marauder's old handbook, and as Harry reads each rule, a different memory of the Marauders is thought up. (Marauders stories are in italics)

"You wanted to see me, Sirius?"

Harry Potter stood by the door frame that entered the kitchen in 12 Grimmauld Place, a monotone expression on his face.

"Yeah, come here," Sirius was alone in the kitchen, the rest of the house's occupants busying themselves with chores upstairs. Harry sat on the chair across from Sirius, and sat quietly until Sirius continued. "You wanted to hear some Marauder stories yesterday, didn't you?"

Harry's green eyes lit up, and nodded, rubbing his hands in anticipation. "If it's not too much of a bother."

Sirius gave a large grin, "Not a bother at all. Remus'll be here soon, I think he's getting butterbeer or something for story time."

Speaking of the devil, the kitchen door swung open, and Remus sauntered in, taking a seat beside Sirius. He pulled a case of butterbeer, and opened it, putting one in front of himself, one in front of Sirius, and one in front of Harry. "Did you start already?"

"No, Harry just came down." Sirius popped the bottle open and took a gulp. "We were waiting for you."

"What story do you want to tell me?" Harry asked as he slowly started to open his bottle.

Remus thought for a minute, "Have you ever heard the 11 rules in the Marauders Handbook?"

"You had a handbook?" Harry chuckled.

"Yes, yes," Sirius smiled, "We were awesome enough to have one."

"I think you mean dorky enough," Remus corrected.

Sirius ignored him. "So, Moony was going through his stuff from school and he came across this." Sirius pulled a small book, though book might have been pushing it. It was a stack of parchment, bound together by three blue strings, each tied in an intricate bow. Sirius handed the book to Harry, who's fingers traced over the letters on the cover. "He didn't open it, so neither of us actually remember the rules word for word."

"The Marauder's Handbook: A guide to how to live one's life with mischief. By: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs."

Sirius looked over at Remus, "Moony, you made it sound so professional."

"You're the one that named it," Remus counteracted, "I just wrote it down."

Harry flipped open the book, and read, "The Marauder's Map may be used to help insure that these rules are followed, though I must admit that some of these rules don't have to do with mischief making, we happen to get offtopic, fairly quickly. - Moony." Also on the inside cover was a game of hangman, the answer being, "Mischief Managed" (almost every other letter was scattered across the page) though instead of a normal hanging man, it was a tree, with a boy hanging from his ankles dangling upside in front of it, long, dark hair falling to the floor. Harry pointed to the picture. "Is that 一 is that Professor Snape?" It looked oddly like Harry's potion professor, though the nose on the boy in the drawing was slightly over-exaggerated.

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