Part 2 to Our New Life

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Upon popular request, this is a oneshot about Regulus settling into the Potter's in the AU if he had run away with Sirius. I apologise for the length, but this is what I came up with. I hope it eats your expectations. 


Part 2 of Our New Life AU: 2 January, 1976

Regulus was beginning to start to fit into the Potter's household, but it was taking time. SInce he had ran away with his older brother a few days prior, his life had been flipped upside down. He had no clue people could actually be as nice as Euphemia and Fleamont Potter, and it seemed almost a ruse. But it was anything but. The Potter's were actually that nice, it seemed so unrealistic.

While he wasn't wasn't quite ready to call Fleamont and Euphemia anything besides their full names, without any abbreviation, his brother had already set to call the pair "Mum and Dad" and Regulus envied his brother's ability to adapt to change so well.

Christmas holiday was coming and going, and before Regulus knew it, the holiday was almost over, and he had been with the Potter's for weeks. He was starting to dread the arrival of school, because his classmates and so called friends would probably be disappointed in his following his blood traitor brother's way. His was hellbent on not regretting anything, because the Potter's had given him the best holiday he could've imagined.

The morning after New Years, Regulus sat alone on his bed, a book open on his lap. The Potter's had given him his own room, topped off with a sign like he had in Grimmauld Place informing his brothers ー as he had recently started referring to James as such in his mind ー not to enter. Fleamont and Euphemia had offered Sirius his own room as well, but he politely declined the offer since he and James agreed to share, and the Potter's instead got the two boys a bunk bed.

There was a soft knock at Regulus's door, and he called to ask who it was, and the door cracked open to reveal Euphemia Potter. Her grey hair was tied up in a bun, and her hazel eyes shone brightly. In her hands she carried a tray of tea and biscuits.

"If you are busy, Regulus, I can return later." Her voice was a comforting maternal sort, and was so caring that even after weeks, he couldn't fathom someone could care that much about him.

He put a bookmark in his book. "No, no," he said, "I'm not too busy."

He put the book on his side table, and shifted slightly so he was sitting straighter. Euphemia sat down on the corner of his bad and handed him a cup of tea, which he gratefully took.

"I heard from Sirius that you had a house elf?"

The thought of Kreature dampened Regulus's mood, but he nodded and took a sip of his tea.

"And that you and this elf ー Kreature was the name correct? ー" She waited for Regulus to confirm the name before continuing, "ー that you and Kreature were rather close?"

"Sirius never liked Kreature, and the feeling was reciprocated." said Regulus, "But I always quite liked Kreature, and he quite liked me. He's one of the very minute reasons I miss home."

"Well, it took some trickery and some coaxing, but I think we managed it." Euphemia smiled.

The gears in Regulus's brain worked overtime as he understood what she was implying. "You don't mean?"

Instead of responding, Euphemia pointed to the doorway where, when Regulus glanced over, stood Kreature. "Kreature!" The boy smiled, putting his tea down and running to give the little elf a hug.,

"Kreature lives to serve Master Regulus," Kreature said.

Euphemia put a plate of biscuits on the side table before standing up, and tucking the tray underneath her arm, "We were planning on surprising you on Christmas by bringing him here, but it took longer than expecting."

Regulus looked up at Euphemia from where he was kneeling, "Thank you so much."

Euphemia crouched down and kissed the top of his head, "It's not a problem at all, Regulus."

Regulus had never felt so loved, such pure parental love than he did that moment, and he could not be more grateful.

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