You're Home Now, Sirius: 18 June, 1996

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"Come on, you can do better than that!" Sirius taunted his older cousin. The same one that would play with him when he was a baby, and walk him down the hall, holding his hand. The eleven-year-old girl never would have guessed that it would come down dueling with the innocent little two year old she was helping to feed on Christmas Day. Yet there she was, shooting spell after spell at him. 

It hit him, his guard was down, for not even a second, and that second was the difference between his life and death. She hadn't hit him with the killing curse, as much as she wanted to. No, she hit him with a simple stupify, but location is key.

He started to fall, this death was not like anything Sirius had ever imagined. He could hear the muffled cries of his name, but he couldn't do anything about it. Oxygen levels began to drop, and he felt like he was suffocating. But his face didn't show it, he looked something that he hadn't in a long time, peaceful.

He kept falling, but his heart had stopped, his chest didn't give that reassuring up and down. His body was lifeless, it floated among the other debris that had been sucked into the depths of the veil. He was gone, there was no looking back now.

He seemed light, as if he could float up to the sky and stay amongst the stars for all eternity. In a sense, that was what he was doing.

His life flashed before his eyes. His highs and lows. Every memory from the time he was little until his untimely death. Playing with his brother, meeting the marauders, meeting Harry, both times, azkaban, and his first time turning into an animagus projected themself into his mind all at once, as if each memory wanted to be the forerunner.

He landed peacefully in an open field. He could feel the grass tickling his exposed limbs, and the bright light penetrated his eyelids. If he could, he would have just laid there for as long as he could, falling asleep under the luminescent lights.

He could hear footsteps in the grass, it crinkled ever so slightly, but enough. It got louder as the person seemed to get closer. Still, Sirius did not open his eyes. The footsteps stopped, and Sirius could feel a looming figure over him. He heard the twisting of mud underneath the soles of a pair of shoes as the looming figure crouched down. Sirius wasn't worried, he was already dead, wasn't he? 

What finally got him to open his eyes was when the figure began to shake him softly, and whisper his name. Sirius recognised that voice, he hadn't heard it sound so soft since he was little. He opened his eyes to see his younger brother, looking at him in disbelief. Sirius groaned, and sat up, only then did he notice his surroundings. 

Everything was white, the combination of all colours together. There was only abyss. The grass was stark white, almost blinding to look at. The sky was a brilliant white that lacked a sun and clouds. 

Regulus himself had a soft glow radiating from his skin. He didn't look a day over eighteen, and his skin was perfect, free from any wrinkles and blemishes. His lips were a soft pink, and his eyes a calculating grey, the same as his older brother laying before him.

"If I was honest, I was hoping I wouldn't have to see you for awhile." Regulus let a small chuckle leave his lips, "Here —" he held out his hand, and helped Sirius to stand. "There we go!"

He turned and gave a small grin. "James and Lily are waiting for us. They'll have supper prepared, though you'll have to get used to how us dead people eat. Come on, I don't fancy being late."

Sirius didn't move, he instead looked at his energetic younger brother, his face rid of all emotions. "Where am I?"

Regulus shook his head slightly, "You're home now, Sirius."

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