Normal: 17 August, 1977

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For @arnoldthe-pygmypuff 's one-shot competition.

Normal: 17 August, 1977

Lily Evan's thoughts on summer were so mixed that even a strainer would not be unable to sort them out. On one hand she loved the summer breeze, she loved the sun's rays as they warmed her face, and caused a sprinkle of freckles that normally weren't there. She loved sitting on the swing set with a book in hand, zipping through an array of novels, wizard and muggle alike. She loved the freedom it gave her: the ability to sleep in till noon and not stress about impending assignments. But God, did she also hate it. She hated the fact that times with her best friends were scarce. She hated being so close in proximity to her ex-best friend, because talking to him brought back a string of memories she was never prepared to relive. She hated having to see Petunia and Vernon everyday; the newlywed couple living with them before they bought a place of their own. And she hated the fact that she was left with her own thoughts. Her mind was sometimes scarier than the actual world. So, she did what any sane person would do. She immersed herself in Muggle culture. She spent every waking hour of the day either reading, listening to music, watching the television, or writing to her friends. She only communicated with her parents, her sister, and her brother-in-law during meals.

Her friends, by the names of Mary, Marlene, Alice, and Dorcas, had agreed they'd meet up on the twentieth of August, to apparate together to get their supplies for seventh year at Diagon Alley, which was why Lily was shocked when her father sauntered into her room on the morning of the seventeenth, declaring that people stating that they were Lily's friends had arrived.

Given the fact it was eleven in the morning on summer holiday, Lily donned a pair of pajama shorts, and a tie-dye t-shirt with a spiral design she had made in Charms class. She quickly threw on a bra, something she always did now that she was sharing a roof with Vernon Dursley, and went to the bathroom to splash herself with water in an attempt to wake up.

She groggily made her way down the stairs, before stopping in the hall, her eyes widening as she saw who her supposed "friends" were.

Sitting in her living room were the four Marauders. Remus looked just as tired as she felt, bags were visible below his eyes, and he had his head resting on the backrest of the rocking chair he was sitting on. He gave her an apologetic glance that she recognised from the countless times he's given that look to someone, whether it be to a teacher or to her. Peter just looked uncomfortable to be there. He nibbled at a biscuit her father must've offered them, though Peter was the only of the four to have one, slowly and cautiously, as if he were afraid to drop the crumbs on the small recliner in which he resided.

Sirius and James had both made themselves at home as if they lived in Lily's house. James sat on the edge of the settee, one of Lily's mother's many football catalogues (her mother was obsessed with the sport, which was the sole reason Lily had played when she was younger) open on his lap. Sirius had his head against James's lap, and he laid down with his feet over the armrest, the only efficient way to lie on a sofa without removing one's shoes.

"What the hell are you three doing in my house?" Lily snapped, before adding, "Hi, Remus, lovely to see you."

"Hi, Lily," Remus chuckled as his three best friends shouted whines about how Lily was nice to Remus, and not to them.

Lily sat on the corner of Remus's rocking chair, "I wasn't expecting to see you all today, or this early for that matter."

"It's eleven," pointed out James, before flipping a page of the catalogue.

"Which is too early," Lily counteracted, "Remus looks like he's about to fall asleep."

Remus shook his head quickly, "I'm actually on an adrenaline high right now from getting here, so no matter how tired I look, I'd not be able to fall asleep."

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