Really Gone: Dec. 1975

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"If I'm not wanted here, then I will just go where I am wanted."

Regulus looked at his older brother with a look of horror etched in his face. Sirius was standing in front of the door, bundled up nicely for the cold weather outside. In his hand was his suitcase, decorated with plenty of Gryffindor stickers on the front.

"Go then, Sirius, you are no son of mine." His mother said, instead of screaming like he was used to. Her voice was calm, too calm for the situation. "The moment you were sorted in Gryffindor, I knew it was only a matter of time until we had to disown you. Goodbye, Sirius, and I pray that you never step foot in this house again."

"For once we agree on something," replied Sirius, and he turned on his heels, and stormed out the door into the frigid winter.

Walburga turned to Regulus, who was standing frozen behind her, "Go get your father, Regulus, and meet me in front of the family tree."

Regulus's eyes widened, but he didn't protest, instead running up the stairs to where his father was sitting in his room, reading the Daily Prophet, completely oblivious to what had just happened.

Regulus knocked softly on the door, and his father put down the newspaper, looking Regulus in the eye, "Yes, Regulus?" He asked, his tone bored.

Regulus gulped down his saliva as if it were poison, "Sirius...he ran away. Mum wants you and I to meet her at the family tree."

Orion nodded his head, as though he was expecting this for months, "I'm coming."

Orion and Regulus didn't make a sound as they made their way towards the family tree. Walburga already stood in front of it, twiddling her wand between her fingers, a wicked grin etched upon her countenance.

"We are gathered here today," she began as if this were Sirius's funeral, but her tone was as if this were the best thing that could have happened. " celebrate the disowning of Sirius Orion Black III, or as he will now be known, Sirius the Blood Traitor. We shall all say some unkind words about the disowned, and then we shall have a party, to celebrate the heirship moving on to a much more capable heir, Regulus Arcturus Black! I have already sent a letter to my brother, and they will be coming." She chuckled, "I'll begin! Ever since that little snot was sorted into Gryffindor, I knew it was only a matter of time until this glorious day came. He hung out with blood traitors and mudbloods, and didn't have the right ordeals to be a part of this family. He is a disgrace!"

She ended her monologue with her arms spread wide. Orion applauded boisterously, while Regulus clapped slowly, almost unsure of whether or not he should clap. "Orion, you're..."

"Aunt Walburga! We're here!" A high pitched squeal came from the other room, and Regulus looked at the doorway to see his extended family entering single file.

Among them was his Aunt Druella, Uncle Cygnus, his oldest cousin Bellatrix: the one who had spoken, Bellatrix's husband Rodolphus, His other cousin, Narcissa, and Narcissa's fiancee Lucius.

"That was quite quick," Orion commented.

"I couldn't wait to disown Sirius." Bellatrix cackled. Like Walburga, the twenty-four year old looked as if her birthday had come early.

"We were having a family gathering, Orion." Druella explained, "When we received Walburga's message through the floo network, Bellatrix insisted we come in haste. I hope we haven't missed much."

"Only mine," Walburga caught them up, "Now since we are all here, why don't we take a seat?" She waved her wand, and nine chairs appeared in a semicircle around Sirius's name.

Regulus sat down reluctantly in between his father and Narcissa. Walburga remained standing, "Would anyone like to say their thoughts on Sirius first?" She asked the family.

Bellatrix's hand flew into the air, "I would, Aunt Walburga."

Walburga smiled kindly at her niece and sat down on the other side of Orion.

Bellatrix stood up, and dusted her black dress quickly before making her way to the centre of the semicircle. "Ever since I was younger, I knew there was something wrong with Sirius. He was never as firm in his beliefs as the rest of us. When he was sorted into Gryffindor, I knew my suspicions about the boy to be true. That is no cousin of mine. Anyone who associates with blood traitors and mudbloods doesn't deserve to be a part of the noble house of Black. Toujours Pur!"

An echo of "Toujours Pur" was heard throughout the room, and a loud applause was given as Bellatrix sat down, next to him Narcissa stood up, and went to where her sister had just stood.

"Hello," she began shyly, "Bella went through a lot of the points about Sirius. I remember in my sixth year, his first year, he would always walk, arms in link, with that blood traitor, Potter," Narcissa spit out the name as if it were venom, "And he never really lived up to our family's expectations."

She sat down quickly, and Regulus felt his father tap him. He looked at him, and his father gestured for him to stand up. He moved fairly slowly, his face burning a bright red. The fourteen year old took a few deep breaths, before addressing the family.

"Er..." he stuttered, "Sirius decided to choose the wrong path, befriending the wrong type of people at school."

He made his way back to his seat when his Uncle Cygnus spoke up, "What are you going to do as heir to the Black family, Regulus?"

Regulus's pale face turned an even brighter shade of red than it had been before, ""

"Go back in the centre, Regulus." called Bellatrix, and he slowly complied.

"Er... I'm going to make a respectable pureblood marriage, and join the Dark Lord?" His tone made him sound unsure of himself, but the family didn't notice as they gave him such an uproarious applause, causing him to awkwardly make his way back to his seat.

The rest of the adults gave their testimony as to how Sirius was a disgrace and all the in betweens. Rodolphus and Lucius gave their own as well, albeit much shorter than the other's, as Lucius only knew of him from his final two years at Hogwarts, and Rodolphus what he had heard his wife say about her younger cousin.

"Druella, Bellatrix, Narcissa, would you like to help me prepare the feast?" Walburga asked. The three women nodded, and made their way to the kitchen.

Cygnus, Orion, and Rodolphus were talking adamantly in the corner, talking about what Regulus assumed to be the Dark Lord.

Regulus sat awkwardly in his chair, not making any effort to move, or join in any conversations.

"Hello, Regulus." Regulus looked up to see Lucius sitting on the chair next to him.

"Hi, Lucius," said Regulus quietly.

Lucius looked over towards the kitchen, "Everyone seems pretty happy about Sirius being disowned, huh?"


Lucius frowned, "Are you alright, Regulus. Is something bothering you?"

Lucius's tone brought Regulus back to first year, where Lucius, who was a seventh year and Head Boy at the time, would just talk to him to make sure he was feeling alright.

Regulus looked nervously around the room, before replying with a whisper, "I miss Sirius already."

Lucius gave him an empathetic look, and turned to hold Regulus's shoulder's reassuringly, "I know you do, but it's for the better. I hope you know that."

Regulus nodded, "I do," his voice was so quiet it was barely audible.

Lucius smiled kindly, before looking in the kitchen, "By the smell of it, dinner's almost ready." He stood up, and held out his hand, which the younger boy took gratefully. "Come on, Reg, let's go eat."

Lucius made his way to the kitchen, and Regulus looked emotionless behind him. "I'm coming." He whispered.

No one could hear him, or hear the insecurities in his voice. But unlike everyone else in the other room, Regulus wasn't as devot in his beliefs as they thought. In fact, the fourteen year old was really the only one to see sense.

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