Portrait Talks: 31 Aug. 2015

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Based off of the headcanon above I saw from Pinterest.

James Sirius Potter slowly made his way out of his bedroom, as silently as he could.

It was almost midnight, and he caught his breath with every step he took, attempting to make as little noise as possible.

He made his way down the stairs, and cracked the door open, biting his lip as it creaked slightly. He opened it just enough so that he could slip through the opening. 

Inside the room, there were multiple portraits, though most of the canvases were either empty, or the person inside was asleep. James saw his grandfather asleep in the form of a stag, awkward lying across the armrests of the chair. 

The only portrait that wasn't asleep was the one he was looking for, James stopped in front of it, and gave a face splitting grin.

The man in the portrait was only in his mid-thirties, with pale skin, a gaunt build, and startling grey eyes. His hair was long and black, reaching almost to his elbows in length. When he saw the boy, his eyes lit up, losing the haunted look it had had the moment before. "What brings you here at this time of night, Prongslet." The man leaned against the side of the chair, giving the boy a kind smile.

"I wanted to talk, Uncle Padfoot," James told the portrait, before doing the sideways glance someone does the moment before they do something they aren't supposed to. James stepped forward, and held his hands up, "I'm going to move you, alright?"

"Alright," Sirius replied, "Careful, it might be heavy."

James hoisted the portrait off of it's hook, and staggered slightly at its weight, before finding his footing. 

If sneaking towards the portrait room had been a task for James Sirius, sneaking back was twice as hard. Finally, he reached his room, and put Sirius's portrait on a chair he had opposite his bed, propping it up so that Sirius could see him. 

"I'm nervous and too excited to sleep," was the first thing James admitted.

"For what?"

"Tomorrow." He looked at the clock, which shown a time a little after midnight, "Well, today. I'm starting Hogwarts."

Sirius gave him a large smile, "That's great, I have so many fond memories of my time there."

"What if I'm not a Gryffindor? I really want to be. What if I don't make any friends? Like everyone only sees me as Harry Potter's son, what if —"

"Prongslet, you're thinking this through too much. As much as I want you to a Gryffindor, any house would be good. If you're a Slytherin, be the kind like my brother, Regulus, he's good. Hufflepuffs are already great, and if you're a Ravenclaw, that's good too. As for making friends, you already have how many of your cousins in your year?"

"Three. Fred, Roxanne, and Louis."

"Exactly, you four can stick together. And you're so much more than Harry's son. You're James Sirius Potter." Sirius smirked, "If you don't say, 'Sirius is my middle name!' when someone asks if you're serious, then I will be very disappointed."

James chuckled, "I'll make sure to do it all the time."

"Good. How about I tell you a little about The Escapades of the Marauders?"

"That sounds like a book title," laughed James. 

"It would make a great novel. Even I'd read it."

Sirius went on to talk most of the night, the two laughing and joking around until James fell asleep, no longer nervous about the day to come.

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