Hair As Beautiful As Life Itself: Jan. 1976

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Based off of the picture above I saw on Pinterest.

"Hey, Evans, McKinnon," Sirius Black plopped himself unceremoniously in between Lily Evans and Marlene McKinnon, ignoring completely the fact that the two were having an in depth conversation.

"What do you want, Black?" asked Lily, glaring at him.

"Between you and me, I'd really prefer if you called me Sirius. But that's not why I came here."

"Why did you come here then, Bl — Sirius?" Marlene questioned.

"I have an idea!"

"Oh Lord," muttered Lily.

"I want to make a club with the sole purpose of not inviting Prongs."

"Prongs? Who's Prongs?" Marlene looked at him suspiciously.

"Oh. Prongs is James."

Lily smirked, "I'm listening."

"I was personally thinking: Hogwarts' Society For Witches and Wizards With Hair As Beautiful As Life Itself."

"And tell James his hair isn't good enough?" 

"That's the plan, Evans."

"I'm in. Let's go make this happen!" Lily stood up, and grabbed Sirius's forearm. "We'll get you more information when we know."

"We'll need flyers, and a teacher to be our moderator." Lily rambled off to Sirius, who was fiddling with the sleeve of his leather jacket, listening intently.

"We should ask Minnie." 

Lily looked at him disapprovingly, "You shouldn't call her that. But I agree we should ask Professor McGonagall." She put stress on her name. "I'm still a prefect."

Siriud waved her off dismissively, "So is Moony, that hasn't stopped me yet."

"Er — do I want to know what the nicknames mean? Moony's Remus?"

"Yup!" He smiled, "Earlier in the year, the four of us got into a very heated disagreement about what our spirit animals would be. We turned the ones we chose into a nickname."

"That's interesting?"

"Remus's Moony, because we think he's most like a wolf. He's smart, not very aggressive, and very friendly. Peter is Wormtail, because he's most like a rat. He's small and timid —" he chuckled, "And he likes cheese. I'm Padfoot, because I closely resemble a dog. Apparently, I'm playful, curious, fearless, but I'm also loyal and aggressive. Lastly, James is Prongs. He's closest to a stag. He's a leader, but he's actually sensitive and gentle. He holds our group together and stags represent harmony."

Lily frowned, "Those all make sense — except I don't see Potter as very sensitive and gentle. He's an arrogant toe-rag."

Sirius smirked, "James is full of surprises. Look — we're at Minnie's office."

Before Lily could protest, she noticed Sirius had already knocked, and Professor McGonagall was standing in the doorway.

"MINNIE!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Hello, Sirius, Miss Evans." 

That struck Lily as odd. She just realised that every teacher, since they had returned from holiday the week before, had taken to calling Sirius by his first name. Every other student was called by their last name, except for him. Had something happened during the time off? Lily wasn't sure. 

"Bl — Sirius and I," Lily said, corrected herself, "were thinking of  making a club called Hogwarts' Society For Witches and Wizards With Hair As Beautiful As Life Itself, and we were hoping you could moderate it."

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