Short Hair?: 4 March, 1980

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A/N. I was rereading Order of the Phoenix (the part where Mad-Eye shows Harry the Original Order Of the Phoenix) and it says that Sirius had short hair in the picture! So, I made this really short one-shot as to why he had short hair in said picture (and not that he was happy about it)

"Nope! Not happening! Can't you just fix it?"

Sirius sat on the floor in James and Lily's house, clutching his long hair that was half burnt off,  as if it were his timeline.

"Padfoot," James knelt beside him, a pair of shears in his hand. "Your hair was magically burnt. You know we can't fix it."

"Just try!"

"It's not going to work, Padfoot!" Remus said, looking up from where he was reading on the sofa. "Lily and I already tried."

Lily nodded assent from next to Remus.

"Try harder!"

Remus didn't look up from his book as he said, "Please stop whining! Just let James cut it! You can grow it back!"

"But I'd have to let it grow naturally because of the spell those stupid Death Eaters hit me with! To believe I'm related to the lot of them!"

"It won't be bad, Sirius," whispered Lily. 

"For you at least! You're not the one cutting your hair!"

"You want me to cut my hair." Lily stood up abruptly. "Alright then, I'll cut my hair."

"I'm not sure that's what he meant, Lils," said James, looking between his wife and best friend.

"Of course not. But seeing as he's a child that won't cut his hair, I'll do it too."

Sirius looked up. "You'd cut your hair?"

"Why not?" Lily walked over and sat on the chair James had set up for Sirius. "Alright," she said, throwing a towel around her shoulders, "I'm ready, James."

James looked skeptically between the two, then up to Remus, who didn't even have to look at him to mutter, "Just do it, Prongs."

"Okay —" he started to cut Lily's hair, "How short am I cutting it?"

"Into a bob."

"You positive? You're going to do this just because Sirius has to?"

"I already said yes, James. Now do it!"


"See, Sirius, it isn't bad." Lily's dark red hair, which used to reach her elbows in length, was now cut in a bob.

"You look really good," whispered James in awe, causing Remus to laugh. Sirius might have laughed too, if he wasn't next to cut his hair.

"Padfoot, just do it!" Remus called, "You're worse than a five-year-old. Your hair is practically singed off already, just cut off what's dead."

"But most of it is dead!" Sirius whined.

"Just get it over with!" James told him. 

"Fine, but I'm not going to like it."


"Thanks. I hate it." Sirius's hair was buzzed off, and really short. "I don't hate it. I absolutely despise it."

"It looks fine, Padfoot," said Remus, putting the bookmark in his book for the first time that evening, and sitting up. "It's not bad having short hair."

"For you, it isn't! You and James have always had shorter hair. I swear they did this to me on purpose!"

"I like my hair like this," Lily stated.

"I'm never cutting my hair again!" Sirius exclaimed, storming out of the house, leaving an exasperated Remus, a slightly confused Lily, and James dying of laughter, in his wake.

Plus, we know the Black family is Drama, so there is that too. This seems like the only logical way for him to have short hair in the picture, for me at least.

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