You're Like Your Brother: 12 Nov, 1977

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{Quick A/N: Sirius does not play Quidditch in this oneshot, and I'm giving you full creative liberty as to why that is. Also, I've seen so many oneshots and stories that base around James being a Quidditch Player, but very minimal about Regulus, who is also a canon player.}

You're Like Your Brother: 12 Nov, 1977

Regulus Black stood in front of a large mirror in the Slytherin six-year dorms, making sure every inch of his green and silver Quidditch robes with the number 5 etched onto it was immaculate. Once he was satisfied with his appearance, he let out a nervous sigh, and walked over to his bed, where he picked up a small letter with the words: You're going down! Sincerely yours, The Marauders written on it like calligraphy of the highest caliber. Regulus rolled his eyes, and tossed the letter to the side, instead grabbing a small good luck charm, a snake with the words Toujours Pur engraved in it's scales.

"Regulus!" The door to the dorm busted open, revealing Evan Rosier donning a similar attire to Regulus, though he had the number 6. "I brought you a muffin," he yelled, tossing the food across the room, which Regulus caught gracefully. "I saw Lucinda at breakfast, she looks like she's been crucioed, she's so tense. She doesn't want to lose, especially to Gryffindor."

"Lucinda's sort of scary when she's like that," Regulus replied, taking a bite of the muffin. "You've eaten or no?"

Evan sat on the edge of his bed and nodded, biting his lip anxiously. "I also heard from Mulciber, who heard from Snape, who overheard Lily Evans telling Mary MacDonald that she was told by James Potter that Remus Lupin is commentating the game today."

Regulus gave Evan a look of exasperation from over his muffin. "You went through all those words just to tell me that Remus Lupin is the commentator? Wouldn't you reckon that stating, Remus Lupin is the commentator might've been easier? I dunno, I might just be pulling a rabbit out of a hat like a stupid muggle that thinks they can do magic."

"Har har, Regulus, always the man of sarcasm at wits. I thought you wanted to hear the whole chain of events?"

"I don't even remember any of it besides the end, so I could've done with the extra ten minutes of my life!"

"That took me only a minute to say," Evan pointed out uselessly, "I think you might be a little dramatic."

Regulus crumbled the wrapper of the muffin, and threw it in a bin beside his bed. "I'm a Black," he responded, "I'm physically incapable of doing anything without a dramatic flair added to it." He stood up, and offered a hand to Evan, who gratefully took it, too lazy to stand on his own. "Let's get to the pitch before Lucinda has our heads."

Evan nodded, and followed Regulus to the pitch, where the two were the last of the Slytherin team to enter the changing room.

"Black, Rosier! Why are you late?" They were met at the door by none other than the Slytherin Quidditch captain, Lucinda Talkalot. Lucinda stood almost six or so centimetres shorter than either Regulus or Evan, but that didn't make her any less intimidating. Her mousy hair was close-cropped, and her eyes held a storm just waiting to be brewed to its potential. "Well, I specifically remember telling everyone to be here at ten! And what time is it? Ten oh five."

Regulus and Evan exchanged glances. "It must've glided over our heads." Evan said sweetly.

Regulus nodded, "You do tend to talk a lot." Evan held out his hand, which Regulus gladly slapped, both keeping a monotone expression on their countenance, despite the pun.

Lucinda was, in no way, shape, or form, amused by the pun. "Team, huddle up! Let's talk strategies, because it seems Black and Rosier have lost their heads." With a wave of her wand, small, chalk figurines began to draw themselves on the blackboard in the corner of the room. "Alright!" She pointed to a figure that was hovering in the middle of the pitch, holding the Quaffle, "That beautiful drawing right there is me. That," she shifted her wand so it was pointing at a deformed stick figure with large hair and glasses, "is James Potter, the Gryffindor Captain and one of their chasers. The resemblance is uncanny, correct?" She didn't wait for a reply before continuing, "Our plan is to win, and he, along with her." Her wand shifted to another deformed stick figure, though this one had shoulder length hair. "Wendy Sullivan, the seeker. Make sure she doesn't catch the snitch like your life depends on it, Black. Clear?"

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