Baby Brother: 1961

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"Sirius?" Sirius's older cousin Andromeda called softly. 

He was staying at his Aunt Druella and Uncle Cygnus's house because his mother was having a baby. Not that he knew though, the little one-year-old couldn't comprehend how much his short life will change.

"Dee?" He called back, his little legs wobbling across the room to where an eight-year-old Andromeda sat on criss-cross on the floor, a small stuffed serpent in her hands.

"Mummy, Daddy go?" Sirius asked, unable to string more than two or three words together.

"They'll be back," promised Andromeda, handing the serpent to Sirius. He gratefully took it in his small hand, and hissed, pretending to make the serpent move.

They played, just the two of them, for almost an hour, before they heard a soft voice from near the doorframe.

"Dromeda, can I play?" Narcissa stood there, her platinum blonde hair twisted down her back, and her blue eyes dancing back and forth between her sister and little cousin.

"Of course you can, Cissy!" said Andromeda, gesturing for the six-year-old to sit with them. Narcissa seemed almost cautious with every step she took, but still knelt next to them, tucking her dress underneath her knees.

"Ci'y here!" smiled Sirius as he handed the serpent to his older cousin.

Andromeda and Narcissa had an amazing time playing with Sirius, the three were laughing and playing pretend for a while, and would have continued to do so if they weren't interrupted.

Andromeda looked up when she heard someone clearing their throat. Standing, with a rather judging look on her face, was Bellatrix. Despite only being ten, her dark eyes shown with madness that looked to only be able to intensify as she aged, and her black hair was perfectly curled down her back, contrasting greatly to Andromeda's whose brown hair was sticking up in more directions than one could count.

"Mummy said the baby was born," Bellatrix announced, causing Narcissa, who was still playing with Sirius, to look up. "Another boy. Name's Regulus Arcturus."

Narcissa frowned, "I wanted a girl." she whined.

"Grow up," jeered Bellatrix. "What are you, two?"

Narcissa frowned, and the six-year-old stood up, dusting her dress and refusing to look Bellatrix in the eyes.

"Bella!" scolded Andromeda, "That's not nice!"

Bellatrix huffed, and turned quickly and exited the room. Andromeda bent down and pick up Sirius, and placed him on her hip, the eight-year-old looking sadly at the retreating figure of her older sister.

"Don't let Bella get to your head, Cissy." Andromeda advised her. "You're so much more than her, or Mummy, or Daddy tell you."

Narcissa looked up, meeting Andromeda's eyes and gave the faintest smile, before jogging off to the kitchen to meet their parents. 

"Wha'?" asked Sirius, leaning his head against Andromeda's shoulder.

"Maybe you'll break the mold," cooed Andromeda, before starting to make her way towards the kitchen. "Let's meet your new baby brother."


Sirius couldn't have been more confused than he was as they traveled to St. Mungos. He saw lots of people, even waving at a few. His Aunt Druella shielding him in her arms from seeing people. He didn't know where they were going. All Uncle Cygnus had told him was that he was going to see Mummy and Daddy. He didn't know why he wasn't with them to begin with. Maybe his mummy's tummy was small enough that he could sit on her lap again.

The room where Walburga, Orion, and baby Regulus were was in the back of the hospital, large and secluded from the rest of St. Mungos. As soon as Sirius saw his mother, he tried to wiggle out of his Aunt Druella's grip screaming, "Mummy, Mummy!" Druella put him down, and Sirius bolted across the room, trying and failing to get onto the bed. Andromeda bounded over and lifted him up onto the bed, and he knelt on the side beaming at his mother.

"Sirius?" The one-year-old turned around, his grey eyes falling on his father holding a small bundle. "I want you to meet your brother, Regulus."

Sirius examined the baby, his nose scrunched in concentration. "Bro'er?" he asked in confusion.

"He's going to live with us, Sirius," informed Walburga.

The little boy crossed his arms and glared at the baby, "Go 'way!" he commanded. His small brain had deduced that this so-called "brother" he was getting would take his parents attention.

Orion frowned and shook his head. "He's not going away, Sirius. He's staying with us."

Sirius almost started to cry, his eyes began to water, and his bottom lip was quivering, but he didn't say a word.

"Can you say 'hello' to Reg?" questioned Walburga, and Sirius muttered, "Hi, Reg," underneath his breath.

Orion handed Regulus to Druella, and picked up Sirius from the bed. "You and Regulus will become best friends," assured Orion. "You two will carry on the noble name of Black."

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