Liquid - Regulus Black Poem

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I wrote this poem for my creative writing class, actually. I haven't even turned it in yet (I have more poems to write first) but I'm so proud of it, I have to post now. In fact, even if everyone in the world says this poem is horrid, I'd still be proud of it because this has to be one of my favorite poems I've ever written. So, enjoy.

To the Dark Lord,
I know I will be dead long before you read this, but I want you to know it was I who discovered your secret.
I have stolen the real horcrux and intend to destroy it as soon as I can. I face death in hopes that when you meet your match, you will be mortal once more.

the liquid was cold
against his chapped lips;
a soft, invisible ring
surrounds his mouth
begging him for more.
he told Kreacher
that he must continue
and the house elf
will make sure of this.

the liquid churns
his broken stomach.
he wants to vomit up
the precious liquid.
he knows he cannot
but the urge to spew everything
that has ever gone down
his esophagus
is great.

the liquid holds secrets
that he has fought
long and hard
to rid himself of.
but the liquid laughs
as those terrible,
memories float to the
surface of his mind.

his brother,
his estranged brother,
is at the forefront
of many of these memories.
begging for help.

but he never did help.

the liquid likes to taunt,
likes to point out
every flaw
he has ever made,
hanging it on the wall
like a mother hangs a good grade.

he had done bad things
in his eighteen years,
such bad things,
unfathomably bad.
and the liquid knows this.
all he cares about is dead:
a living dead,
a broken dead,
yet, inconceivably dead.

doing this does not
clear his conscience.
it does not,
in any way
reconcile the pain
and suffering
he has cost the world.
but he deserves to suffer,
to feel the pain,
the pain he caused.
and the liquid makes sure of this.

the liquid is poison
and he wants
water. but, it is far.
so, so far.
he can see it;
the dead, his innocence,
his life,
crawling towards him.
it will bring him to the water.
Kreacher yells no, but he says,
the house elf to return with the locket.
to return to his house,
the house he'd never return to.

the inferni grab his arms,
his legs,
his chest,
and his head,
and drag him towards the water.
he welcomes it with open arms
and a smile on his face.
he knows not this is his last breath
because the water is safe
and the dead are his friends,
his innocence, his life.
and his final thought is that
for once in his
life, he has helped.

and with that thought, he drowns.

I hope everyone enjoys this as much as me, if not, that's fine too, I'll just live on my high horse.

Should I make a character poetry book? Is that a good idea? It might be.

Goodbye for now,

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2022 ⏰

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