Our New Life (AU!): Dec. 1975

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Dedicated to LaurenFitzpatrick who asked me to write an AU! where Sirius had decided to take Regulus to the Potters. I hope you enjoy this. Also, know any music references (The Beatles, Queen, Pink Floyd, and AC/DC) are obviously not by me.

Warnings: Mentions of abuse; verbal and physical. Minor cussing. And drugs (smoking).

Our New Life (AU!): Dec 1975

Sirius's eyes fluttered open, though were met with the same darkness that having them closed greeted. He sat up and looked around the room, trying to decipher the time. When he learned it was two in the morning, he threw his legs over the side of the bed, and stood, moving a strand of his shoulder length blank hair from his eyes. He grabbed a leather jacket from off the back of a chair, and checked the pockets, before putting it on over his pajamas.

Sirius moved through the halls with great stealth, having memorized every loose, and every creaky floorboard the old house in London has to offer. He made it and stopped in front of a door. Hung up on the door the sign said: Do Not Enter Without the Express Permission of Regulus Arcturus Black.

Sirius blatantly ignored the sign, and creaked the door open just enough to slip into the room. He made his way over to the sleeping figure, and knelt down, shaking him slightly.

Regulus's eyes shot open, and he looked to see his older brother by him. "Siri, what time is it?" 

"Two, but I really have to talk to you before Mother and Father wake up."

Regulus sat up, and gestured for Sirius to sit down.

Before he did, Sirius asked, "You have a candle in here? It's very dark."

Regulus gestured towards the small table besides the bed, "I've got nothing to light it with."

"I've got you covered," Sirius reached into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a small cigarette lighter, and lit the candle, before sitting down.

Regulus eyed the lighter suspiciously, "Why do you have one of those in your leather jacket? Also, why are you wearing your leather jacket?"

"It's cold," Sirius responded. "Also, it's with these." He pulled a pack of cigarettes from inside a different pocket. 

"You do that weird thing muggles do with the smoke?" Regulus asked, scrunched up his nose.

"Do you mind?"

Regulus thought for a moment. "No, go ahead, I'll just open the window."

Sirius lit a cigarette and put it to his mouth. Regulus watched, before saying, "I'm pretty sure you didn't just come to my room at two in the morning to do that."

Sirius blew some smoke, and glanced at the cigarette, "You're right. I didn't. We're running away tomorrow, so pack."

"We're what?" Regulus's eyes narrowed. "Don't you mean you're running away?"

"No," Sirius pursed his lips, "We're running away. I'm taking you with me."

"But Mother and Father?"

"Don't worry about them," Sirius told him, "Just pack. We leave after breakfast. Dress in muggle clothes."

Regulus looked around, "I don't have anything."

"You'll have to borrow something of mine then," Sirius said, standing up. "Pack what you want."

Everything in Regulus's mind told him to protest, to tell Sirius he couldn't run, but all words were stopped at his throat. Before he knew what he was doing, Regulus nodded, and Sirius gave him a large smile behind his cigarette.

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