A Wolfish Christmas: 25 Dec. 1977

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For exploding_lemonade 's Execto Patronum Awards. Much longer than usual, about 3,700 words. Ships are Jily, Morcas (Marlene × Dorcas) and Fralice, though they are only vaguely mentioned. No actual romance involved.

AU! where Wolfsbane Potion was invented in 1977, instead of circa 1984.

A Wolfish Christmas: 25 Dec. 1977

Remus sluggishly followed a hyperactive Sirius down the stairs at Potter Manor. The boy was paler than usual in colour, making his scars more prominent. The full moon, which inconveniently occurred on Christmas this year, was taking a toll on him. 

Remus was very nervous for this full moon, in fact, he was more nervous than he could ever remember, possibly barring his first transformation at Hogwarts, and his first one with his friends as Animagi. This full moon, he was staying with the Potters. Fleamont and Euphemia had been notified of his condition, their two sons never the ones to keep a secret from them, and had convinced Remus's parents, Lyall and Hope, that they had a good place for him to transform in their large manor, a large dueling room on the top floor.

"Sirius!" Euphemia exclaimed, looking at her elder son, who had the hyperactivity of a young puppy, despite being eighteen, "You shouldn't've gotten Remus out of bed! I was planning on bringing his presents up to him! And your potion! Remus, sit down, come here."

Euphemia walked over to Remus, and gently guided him to the couch in front of the Christmas tree. James and Peter were already sitting on the floor, a half empty plate of chocolate chip cookies between them. Fleamont sat on a recliner, a thick book open on his lap. 

"Moony, you're awake!" James shouted, and Remus's hands instinctively flew over his ears. James's eyes widened, and he mumbled a soft apology.

"We should open presents now," Sirius said, as he sat down on the floor. It was evident in his tone that he was struggling not to raise his volume too high, because of the tired werewolf on the couch metres away. 

"Alright," Euphemia went and picked up a parcel underneath the tree, "Peter first." 

James and Sirius both groaned. "Why is Pete going first?" James mumbled as Euphemia handed Peter the parcel. 

"We're going youngest to oldest to avoid fighting. I don't think Remus can deal with your quarreling right now." Euphemia gave Remus a warm smile, "That one's from Fleamont and I, Peter. I'll be right back, I'm going to get Remus his potion and a blanket. You can open it while I'm gone." Euphemia quickly made her way out of the room, and Peter examined his gift.

Sirius tugged at the sleeve of his leather jacket, but said nothing as Peter ripped open the parcel. Inside was a new chess set, something Peter had been hoping for after Sirius accidently lost the pieces to his original one.

"Thank you, Mr. Potter," he said politely, and Fleamont gave him a small smile over the top of his book. 

"Give Pete the one from us," Remus whispered. His voice was raspy and deeper than usual. 

Sirius complied, and handed Peter a circular shaped present. 

"I don't know whether I should be concerned or not." Peter mumbled under his breath.

"Just open it." James told him.

Peter ripped open the present, and sent a glare in his three friends' direction, and all three bursted into laughter. Remus a little less so than the others.

"Wow, thanks." 

Inside a wheel one might use for a pet rodent.

"Anytime, Pete," Sirius laughed. 

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