Don't call me "Black": Sirius Black

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Warning: The following chapter may make you cry in 389 words.

Don't call me "Black": Sirius Black

I was six. My parents had taken my brother Regulus and I to Diagon Alley. While there, we stumbled upon another pureblood boy around our age. "You're a Black?" He had said to us. "Don't call me, Black," I had replied to him, "I'm Sirius." My parents overheard, and told me that I should be proud to be a member of the House of Black.

I was 11. I had just been sorted into Gryffindor. I was the first in my year too. Next to me, a girl a little older than myself frowned, "You're a Black?" I thought about all my family had done, especially since my favourite cousin, Andromeda, had been disowned mere days before. "Don't call me, Black," I informed her, "I'm Sirius." James was sorted, and sat next to me, and I felt like I truly belonged.

I was 16. I had just ran away from home. The Potters as good as adopted me. I avoided my family on the platform, and made my way to school with no complications. My first transfiguration class, Minnie called, "Mr. Black." in the attendance. "Don't call me, Black," I said in a quiet whisper only she, Prongs and Moony could hear, "I'm Sirius." She apologized, and only called me Sirius after that.

I was 22. I sat only in a cell, unable to fathom how much my world had turned full circle in the last week. All over the Wizarding World, the name "Black" will go down in infamy. The world believed me to be just like everyone else in my family. "Don't call me, Black," I whispered to the air, "I'm Sirius." But the world thought otherwise.

I was 34. I had just escaped from Azkaban a few months earlier. I ran around as a dog, hearing the whispers of the people as they read the news. "This is Black." They had all said. "Don't call me, Black," I thought, but couldn't say, "I'm Sirius." When will the world learn?

I was 36. I had just fallen through a veil, trying to protect my godson. I heard my older cousin's shrill cry, "I killed Sirius Black!" It echoed along with Harry's screams. "Don't call me, Black," was the last thought that ran through my head, "I'm Sirius." Though I knew. I would forever be known as Black.

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