Visits (AU)- 21 June, 1982

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This oneshot is for @aurora_potter14 's Oneshot Contest. It's Wolfstar, and mainly in Remus's point of view, but I decided to put it in this book, rather than my Ship oneshot book because it relates with the rant in the last chapter.

~ Remus goes to visit Sirius while he's in Azkaban ~

Visits (AU): 21 June, 1982

Remus Lupin's mind was plagued by doubt as he slowly made his way to the Ministry of Magic. Was he actually about to do this? Or was this some fever dream that he was yet to wake up from.

It felt too realistic to be a fever dream, and spread over too long of a period. If it really was fake, then why had his stomach spent the last week churning?

Also, was he creative enough to come up with such a ploy? Was he desperate enough? He hadn't even realised Azkaban had a special visiting day every year. Though, it made a lot of sense. Was it the shock that made him accept, or was it that small part of him still convinced Sirius Black wasn't fully at fault, and that the story was slightly fabricated by the Ministry.

Remus realised that, after eight months of being alone, he would finally get to know the truth. The problem was, however, that sometimes the truth is the hardest thing to hear.

Still, he persevered, and entered the phonebooth, which he had only done once in his life on an Order Mission, and pressed the numbers 62442 and gave the person on the phone his information, and the reason he was there, and waited until they brought him up, a little tag with his name on his shirt.

Remus Lupin - Azkaban Visiting Day

He was met by an Auror, whose eye, which was spinning in odd directions, was scanning him suspiciously. "You're Remus Lupin?"

Remus nodded slowly.

"Auror Alastor Moody," said the man. Offering no other words, he turned and started to leave, calling "follow", without looking behind him. Remus, confused, stayed planted in his spot for a moment, contemplating whether or not he should follow.

He followed.

Remus was brought on the lift to the second floor, and into a small chamber. Filled with nerves, he didn't truly look around the Ministry as he was walking, his eyes glued on the floor in front of him.

In the chamber, however, he did take a quick glance around. There were multiple booths lining each of the walls, where he assumed they would bring him to talk to Sirius, and everything else was bare, the only colours at all were the outfits of the people in the room, some of whom, to his surprise, he recognised. There were about twenty people in total going to talk to family members in Azkaban, ranging from centenarians who were using walkers to stand upright, to a little boy, no older than two, clutching a stuffed serpent to his chest as he hung next to, much to Remus's surprise, a man he noticed to be Lucius Malfoy, and Sirius's older cousin, Narcissa.

The boy turned and faced Remus, giving him a large grin, before Lucius said, "Come along, Draco." The two year old gave a small wave, which Remus returned smally, before scurrying off behind Lucius.

With a pang of pain, Remus noted that Draco was about the same age that Harry would be, and the fact he hadn't seen the messy haired toddler in about a year hurt him. (He had tried to get in contact with him, but Professor Dumbledore neglected to tell him the address he had been taken to; claiming that Harry needed time to assimilate into life at his new home.)

Trying to get his mind to stray from Harry; it landed on his current location, which to Remus was just as painful. He wasn't sure what he was going to say to Sirius. What do you say to someone in jail that possibly ruined your entire life? Remus had aged almost a decade in eight months, and he was sure Sirius had as well. What if neither of them were the happy-go-lucky people they had once been?

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