Arithmancy Tutor: 8 Oct, 1975

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"I hate the library, Moony! Why do we have to go again?" complained Sirius, lying on his bed with his head dangling off the back, his hair about halfway to the floor. 

"I have to finish my potions essay, Padfoot," said Remus, standing at the door impatiently, "James is in detention for pranking Snape, and Peter's getting tutored in herbology."

Sirius groaned as he sat up, turning around slowly, "I'm coming. I'm coming." He stood sluggishly, his head tilted slightly to the side as if he had to put an excessive amount of energy. 

"Good, come along then!" said Remus cheerfully, and exited the room. 

Sirius followed behind, baffled at how someone could be that enthused about going to a library.

"Moony?" asked Sirius as he caught up, "When's the next full moon? You know, for Astronomy purposes?" He added when he noticed that the corridor they were using to get to the library had a couple students. None of them were listening, but Sirius wanted to make sure.

"The twentieth," replied Remus, in a slightly dismal tone. 

"Okay. Are you excited?"

Remus looked at Sirius with a nauseous expression, "No, I'm not," he whispered, looking left and right to make sure no one was listening, "This will be the first one since you three…" he trailed off.

"I guarantee Prongs, Wormtail and I will be alright." Sirius assured him.

"But what if I…" 

"No ifs, ands, or buts, Remus. Nothing will happen."

Remus looked at him skeptically, before realising that Sirius had called him, 'Remus', something he hadn't done in the last few months. 

They entered the library to see that it was almost packed with students. 

"You know this ruins my reputation?" Sirius said quietly, looking at a group of third years reading muggle books in the corner.

Remus raised his eyebrows, "What reputation?" And before Sirius could answer, Remus walked towards an empty table and sat down before pulling out his potion's book.

Sirius glared at him, "If you're doing that, what am I going to do?"

Remus looked up from his book, "How about your essay? I know you didn't do it."

Sirius let out a small chuckle, "I'm copying from you later." he said as if it were obvious.

"Find something to read then."

"That's boring."

"You're boring."

"Said who?"

"Said me."

"Am not."

"Shut up." Remus kept scribbling, glancing between his book and parchment.

"I don't think I'm boring!" Sirius whispered to himself in outrage, "I'm the most fabulous…"

"Egocentric," added Remus.

"Not at all egocentric because that title goes to James. Person in this school."

"I'm not too sure about that," said a new voice, and Sirius turned quickly to notice his younger brother standing behind him, leaning against the bookshelf. A copy of Numerology and Grammatica in his hand.

Sirius's glare hardened towards his brother, "What are you doing here?"

"The library is open to everyone, idiot," Regulus spat. "But if you must know, I was struggling with my Arithmancy work, and Professor Vector suggested I ask your friend, Lupin, for help."

Remus looked up from his book, "What do you need help with, Black?"

Sirius's eyes widened, "You're going to help him?" 

"I'm a Prefect, Sirius," replied Remus as he put away his book. 

Regulus sat in the empty chair, "It was easy last year! But it's gotten tougher this year. I just don't get the magical properties of the number seven!"

Remus helped Regulus with his Arithmancy homework, while Sirius sat moping, his arms crossed, staring at the ceiling, regretting ever saying yes to Remus. 

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