Godfather: 31 July, 1980

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Sirius put his motorbike in park, and jumped off as quickly as he could, dashing to the house in Godric's Hollow as fast as he could, tripping over his feet in excitement. 

He practically fell into the door, knocking only twice before an overtired James Potter opened the door. James looked like he could pass out at any second, but he had the largest, face-splitting grin as he embraced his best friend. 

"Come on," he whispered, "Lily's waiting."

Sirius nodded, "Has Moony or Wormtail come over yet?" 

James shook his head, "The full moon was four days ago, and you know what happened. I haven't seen Wormtail in over two weeks, now that I think about it."

Sirius only nodded again. Remus had a very harsh full moon that week. Only Sirius had been there, since Remus insisted that James couldn't leave a nine month pregnant Lily at home alone. "I'll be fine," insisted Remus. However, he got gravely injured, something Sirius felt awful about.

James opened a door, and Sirius peered inside. Lily was propped up on the bed, paler than usual, which was normal given the circumstances. In her arms was a little baby, swaddled in a yellow blanket. Sirius could see a tuft of black hair peeking out from underneath. 

"His name's Harry James," James whispered in awe, still staring at his newborn son resting in Lily's arm.

It was at that moment, looking for the first time at the newborn baby, that he fell in love with him. He decided at that moment that he would do anything to protect this child.

James grabbed his forearm, and guided Sirius over towards the bed. Sirius greeted both Lily and Harry with a swift kiss on the forehead. Harry's forehead was soft and delicate.

"He's amazing," breathed Sirius.

"Want to hold him, Pads?" asked James.

Not trusting himself to speak, he nodded his head ever so slightly. Sirius sat in the large rocking chair in the corner of the room.

James gingerly picked Harry up, and placed him in Sirius's arms.

"Hi, Harry," he whispered softly, kissing the baby's head yet again.

"Sirius, can James and I ask you something?"

Sirius looked up, "Go ahead."

"We'd like you to be Harry's godfather." He informed him.

Sirius glanced between James, Lily, and Harry, "His what exactly?"

James chuckled, "I told you he wouldn't know what it is." He said to Lily. He turned back to Sirius. "A godfather is — er, I'm not exactly sure. Lily suggested Harry have one. With everything going on, of —"

"Don't say it, Prongs."

"But, if — we want you to take care of him. And we want you to help raise him."

"M – me?" stuttered Sirius. "It won't happen, but me, and not Moony?"

"Yes, you, Pads," smiled James, "I'm sure you'd be a wonderful influence."

"Well —" objected Lily. "I wouldn't say you'd be a 'wonderful' influence. But, I'm sure you'd be the perfect person to raise Harry. If he didn't have a godfather, he'd have to go to the closest living relative of ours."

"Petunia," James spat, sitting on the edge of Lily's bed. "Imagine what it'll be like if he had to be raised by them."

Lily shook her head as if to shake out the thought, "I don't want to think about it. So, what d'you say, Sirius?"

"I'd be honoured to be his godfather."

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