Your Life and Mine: 17 July, 1979

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Your Life and Mine: 17 July, 1979

Regulus Black and his best friend, Evan Rosier, sat on the far end of the large table, ingesting every last detail that Lord Voldemort was saying.

The two were some of the youngest in the group, having just graduated from Hogwarts and hadn't been on a single mission yet.

"Regulus, Evan," the two eighteen-year-old boys jolted at the sound of their names.

"Yes, my Lord?" said Evan, his voice shaking slightly.

"You two are to go to Knockturn Alley, and get a small vial from a werewolf named Fenrir Greyback." Voldemort informed them, his scarlet eyes leaving a mark on the two boys.

Regulus gulped, "Vial. Werewolf. Greyback." He recapped. "Just the two of us, my Lord?"

"If you were loyal you wouldn't question our Lord!" squealed his older cousin, Bellatrix, the twenty-eight year old's eyes reflecting the madness from her spot beside her husband, Rodolphus. 

Regulus shrank back in his chair, and tried to seem smaller than he was. Noticing his best friend's discomfort, Evan spoke up. "When are we leaving?"

"You may be dismissed." Voldemort stated, "Meeting adjourned."

Evan dragged Regulus from the table, and behind the building in which their meeting had taken place. "Apparition or —" Evan asked.

"Regulus cut him off, "Apparition is fine, Ev. That small area next to Borgin and Burkes?"

"Meet you there, Reg." Evan said with a smirk, and with a Pop he disapperated.

Regulus rolled his eyes, and followed Evan's lead.


"I think that's Greyback." Regulus said, pointing to the rugged-looking man standing a little ways away from them.

"He looks savage," whispered Evan. "Isn't your brother's friend one?"

"A werewolf?" asked Regulus. "Yeah. At least, that's what Severus said last week. Sirius never brought it up, though."

"I wouldn't bring it up if you were a werewolf." Evan responded.

"Would you be friends with me if I was one?"

Evan stopped abruptly as if pondering his answer. Hesitantly, he nodded. "You're my best friend. If you were bit next full moon, that wouldn't change." He continued walking, Regulus jogging behind. "Though, if you turned savage, I'd start reevaluating my choices. I remember Remus Lupin. He gave me a Chocolate Frog once when I was a first year and a Ravenclaw was jeering at me. He's not savage. The only problem was he was a half-blood."

Regulus smiled at him, "If it makes you feel better, I'd still be your friend too." 

"Greyback!" Evan called, not too loudly, in case someone was listening. 

"You're the two Death Eaters?" grumbled Greyback. "You're younger than I expected. Though —" his eyes trailed to the boys' immaculate black robes. "You dress like one."

"You have the vial?" asked Regulus impatiently, holding out his hand.

Greyback dug through his apparel, "Here —" he handed the vial, which was rather skinny and about 6 centimetres in length. "—one vial of werewolf blood."

Regulus and Evan both masked their surprise. "Thank you, Greyback," said Evan calmly as Regulus put the vial in his pocket. "We'll just be off." 

They both bade adieu before they began to walk back to where they had apparated. 

"Fancy seeing you two here." a voice called out, making the two boys stop in their place.

"Fancy seeing a blood traitor like yourself here." responded Regulus coldly, turning around to face his older brother and best friend.

"Doing something for your dear master?" taunted Sirius, James chuckling beside him.

"It doesn't matter why we're here, Black," spat Evan, drawing his wand. "What about you? I thought you two were too valiant for here."

"In fact," James drew his wand as well, "We were just checking out enemy territory."

"Well," Regulus locked eyes with his older brother, "You've seen what you need to. You can go and leave Evan and I to our own accord."

He had just realised Sirius was pointing his wand at him, and scurried to do the same, and soon all four boys had their wands out. In fact, a few dodgy characters circling them. Evan and Regulus wanted to disappear, while James and Sirius seemed to enjoy the attention.

"Go run to Dumbledore!" shouted Regulus, surprising himself. "Tell him your brother was in Diagon Alley."

Sirius let out a cackle. "You've chosen your life, and I've chosen mine. He turned towards the entrance to Diagon Alley. "Oh, and Regulus? Is Mummy-dearest proud of you? Her little baby off to kill muggle-borns. Pathetic."

He marched away, James following suit.

Evan grabbed his hand. "He's just trying to get in your head, Reg. Come on, let's apparate back."

Regulus just nodded, before following Evan.

{If it wasn't clear. James and Sirius were in Diagon Alley to try and track Death Eater activities for the Order.}

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