Mini Marauders' Tea Party: 15 Aug, 1976

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A/N: Hello! So, this was inspired by a thought I had a while back (Why I think of this stuff, I don't know). This has a lot of Remus in it too, but we love Remus, so that doesn't matter.

For exploding_lemonade since she told me I should write this out. Hope you like it.

This is a Marauders's Tea Party. (But Peter's on Vacation so he isn't there).

Mini Marauders' Tea Party: 15 Aug, 1976

James, Sirius, and Remus were sitting on the top bunk of James's and Sirius's bunk bed (which belonged to Sirius after much debate between the two) in Potter Manor, talking about random topics.

After it became apparent that Sirius was staying permanently at Potter Manor, Fleamont Potter had turned James's bed into a bunk bed, because the two boys insisted on sharing a room, despite having more than enough extra rooms. Remus was staying for the rest of the summer, having come following the full moon a couple of days prior, and slept on a small blow up mattress on the other side of the room.

Remus would do a deep intake every time someone moved. "You're sure this is stable?"

Sirius jumped, and Remus glared at him. "It's held up by magic, Moony, we'll be fine."

"Stop worrying too much, Moony," James told him, "But if it helps you," James climbed off the bunk, Remus getting paler every step James took, and went over to Remus's bag, and searched through it.

"James, why are you looking through my bag?"

"I know you have it in here somewhere — ha! I found it." James pulled a stuffed wolf from his bag. "Mini Moony will always help in a time like this."

James passed the little wolf to Sirius, who handed it to Remus, who placed it on his lap. "I still can't believe you bought us stuffed animals last Christmas, James." 

"It was clever!" James grabbed Mini Prongs off his bed, and climbed back onto his bunk. "And you both know you love them. Peter's is probably with him on vacation right now."

"Pass Mini Padfoot over to me, Moony. He's next to you." Sirius said. Remus tossed him the stuffed dog, and Sirius examined him, "I think mine's pretty good looking, like me."

"A little revealing," Remus muttered.

"You really think someone's going to see your stuffed wolf and say, 'Wow! That belongs to a werewolf!'" James joked. "Just tell them it's your favourite animal."

"I hate everything about wolves." Remus mumbled, "And you call me Moony, that's like waving a flag that says, 'Remus is a werewolf!'" To demonstrate, Remus waved Mini Moony like a flag, before cursing quietly to himself as the bed rocked slightly.

"No it doesn't," responded James. "We just tell them that a wolf is your spirit animal."

Remus lifted his wolf to look it in its eyes. "Still. We're sixteen. Don't you think that it's childish to carry around stuffed animals."

"You had Mini Moony in your bag," pointed out James.

Remus frowned, and looked over the wolf, "That's because he's tangible proof you don't hate me."

"We'd never hate you, Moony." said James and Sirius simultaneously, before they started laughing. 

"Besides, I don't think it's childish." James added.

"What would make it childish is if we have a tea party with them." laughed Sirius.

"That's a great idea!" James exclaimed, "We should have a tea party with them! And make them mini sandwiches, and —"

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