The Letter of Destruction: Dec. 1979

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"Is that a Ministry owl?" James asked, looking out the window of their house to see an owl flying toward them with a letter, bearing the unmistakable seal of the Ministry of Magic.

Lily stood up from her seat, and made her way towards her husband, worry etched on her face. "I wonder what it's about."

Remus, who was sitting on the couch eating a chocolate bar, scoffed, "Isn't it obvious? We're in the middle of a war."

Sirius, who was sitting in a recliner in the corner, stood up and made his way towards James and Lily, "Way to be pessimistic, Moony."

"I'm not being pessimistic, I'm being realistic."

"That doesn't make it any happier."

"Would you two stop bickering? The owl's here." James called, and soon Sirius was right next to him. James looked at the envelope and handed to Sirius, "It's for you, Pads."

Sirius slowly took the letter from him, and turned it over a few times. It indeed said, Sirius Black, in slanted, thick, black letters, and on the back was the Ministry seal. It was almost identical to the one he had received only months before, telling him his father had died. Maybe it was his mother this time, he thought bitterly.

He walked back to the recliner, and sat down, while James and Lily joined Remus on the couch. The three were trying not to look at it as Sirius teared open the envelope, and began to read:

Dear Sirius Black,

We are sorry to announce the passing of your younger brother, Regulus Arcturus Black, last week. The cause of death is unknown, as is the location of his body.

Sincerely yours,

Minister Harold Minchum

Sirius read the letter three times, his face completely emotionless. He tossed the letter behind him, and leaned back in the chair, and looked down at his hand.

"Padfoot? Sirius? Are you alright?" Remus asked, unsure of how to comprehend Sirius's silence.

Sirius looked up, and whispered, "Regulus is dead," he spoke in such a monotone voice, it sent shivers down the other's spine.

Lily's hands flew over her mouth as she gasped. James and Remus did what he always did, James went over and pulled him in a hug, while Remus handed him chocolate, while sitting on the coffee table.

"We need a marauder get-together!" James declared, "Something to look forward to."

Remus frowned, "Last time we tried to do that Peter said he was busy. Didn't you invite him over today, Prongs?"

James frowned, "I did. He also said he was busy... We'll just have to adhere to his schedule!"

"And then the marauders could be together again," whispered Sirius, "I'd like that."

Remus smiled softly at him, "Sirius, we never left."

James nodded, "And you're not getting rid of us that easily."

As the marauders planned to do something to keep his little brother out of his mind, Sirius was beyond grateful. He'd do anything for the two men sitting in front of him, and Peter, despite him seeming more distant than ever, because he was a marauder. And once a marauder, always a marauder.

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