My Death: The Afterlife

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Dedicated to: shoto_is_the_gayest because they had asked me to write this as a suggestion. Hope it meets your expectations, and sorry it took so long.

My Death: The Afterlife

The feeling of déjà vu Sirius Black felt as he walked down the street in the Afterlife was immense. The only difference between the busy streets of London and where he was now was the colour.

London had every hue imaginable, even if the sky was constantly covered by dark, grey, wispy clouds that held more rain than they should. Here everything was stark white. The vibrant luminescent hue that seemed to burn one's eyes if they stared at it too long. Yet, his eyes seemed to have adapted.

The only thing that wasn't this shade was the people. The rosiness of the cheeks of the girl that was playing hopscotch on the pavement. The pale pink lips of the elderly woman walking with a bag full of sweets. The bright blue jumper of the two year old that was far too young to be where he was. The vibrant green eyes of the woman walking on Sirius's left, and the dark, tousled hair of the man walking on Sirius's right. 

A small rock, which was a light grey, rolled over and hit Sirius on the foot. The young girl ran over and picked it up, turning it idly in her hand as she mumbled an apology and scurried back over to her light grey hopscotch board that looked like she had drawn it.

"Awful isn't it?" Lily mumbled, and Sirius turned towards her, snapping out of his thoughts. "That girl can't be older than eight, the fact that she died —"

"I know." Sirius twirled a strand of his hair around his finger, "I've had people tell me I'm too young to be here, and I'm thirty years older than her."

They kept walking, watching the girl as she played quietly by herself. 

James whispered, "Lily, Sirius and I will be right back," before grabbing Sirius's hand and dragging him over to the girl, who had just returned to the one square. James got down on one knee so he was eye level with the girl, and Sirius followed suit.

"Hi, I'm James. And this is Sirius." 

Sirius gave the girl a small wave.

"I'm Aurora," the girl whispered. 

"You stay here?" Sirius asked her.

The girl frowned and turned the rock in her hand, "I'm visiting my great great grandmother here this week. Great Granny and her are talking."

"You're with your great granny?" 

Aurora nodded, "My Mummy and Daddy are still alive. I was very sick. I miss them, even my baby brother, though he'll be bigger than me when I see him."

"How big are you?" Lily had come over, and she stood up behind James.

"I'm seven. When Xavier comes he'll be this big." Aurora jumped as high as she could and extended her hand up.

"That's awesome, Aurora," James told her, a smile on his face. "I actually came over here wondering if I could have a turn playing hopscotch."

"Sure!" Aurora handed the small stone to James, and he stood up, and tossed it. It landed right on the 8.

James hadn't played hopscotch since before he started Hogwarts, and his mother had taken him to a muggle park near his house. Just jumping made him feel free.

James returned and handed the stone to Aurora, who gave him a large grin, revealing that she had lost two of her front teeth prior to her death. 

"You want to play, Sirius?" Aurora asked, handing the rock to Sirius who took it gratefully, and did a turn himself.

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