Pranking My Family: 27 Dec. 1971

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Thank you to @hpaddict_marauders for giving me this idea. A while ago, but it's still the thought that counts, right Teddy? 

Pranking My Family: 29 Dec. 1971

Sirius Black had never been one for family gatherings. He always had a mischievous edge to him, something his family had despised, bar his Uncle Alphard, his older cousin Andromeda, and his little brother Regulus. Though unlike the two former, Regulus never outwardly showed his love for the pranks pulled by his older brother, in fear of overall family rejection. But that never bothered Sirius, his mood was still brightened by the younger boy's small smirks, and hidden giggles behind his hand. By the way his storm grey eyes brightened, or the way his back arched slightly as if he was holding back a laughing fit. Those were the tiny things that made staying at Grimmauld Place worthwhile for Sirius.

Sirius had contemplated not returning to the London residence for the holiday. His new friends, three boys by the name of James, Remus, and Peter, had tried to convince him not to go. And how much he wished he could have complied. But the small twelve year old wasn't returning home for the winter holiday for the inevitable screams, forced hours in his room, and overall abuse done to him by his parents. He wasn't returning home for the family gathering he was oh so looking forward to. He was returning home to make sure that those small smiles, and the bright eyes stayed lit in Regulus Black.

Sirius hadn't seen his little brother since September. Since before he had been sorted into Gryffindor, and made friends with one of the most well known blood traitors, James Potter, a small mousy little bloke by the name of Peter Pettigrew, and Merlin forbid his parents ever found it, a half-blood boy by the name of Remus Lupin. Of course Sirius cherished every minute with his new friends, but he wanted, and sort of needed, that time spent with his little brother.

But after he had gotten picked up from the train station, he seldom saw his little brother, and even less, he saw these small details that made him remember that Regulus had own persona, and wasn't just a robot following Walburga and Orions orders.

So he made it his mission to see the ten year old crack a smile before he left to return to Hogwarts. Which was quite the task when one is locked in one's room for most of the time.

"Put this on, at least it's somewhat presentable." At least a week had passed since Sirius had returned home. Walburga and Orion had still yet to figure out how the young boy's full wardrobe had been replaced with what they found disgusting, muggle attire.

The answer behind the change in attire was answered with two names. Fleamont and Euphemia Potter. When Sirius had made an offhand comment the first weekend how he wished he had something more comfortable when he saw James's tees and Remus's jumpers, and he was stuck in a button up and ties, James took it upon himself to owl his parents, and the next week, Sirius had received a whole bag of jumpers, tees, jeans, shorts, and a pair of trainers.

Even though all his normal clothes, as his parents would call it, went in the bin, it just had to be his luck that they had kept an old dress robe in Grimmauld Place.

Sirius grumbled in protest as he tugged on the dress robe, but he wasn't letting his parents get away with that so easily. He didn't put on a tie, nor dress shoes, instead opting to put on his trainers before he was about to make his way downstairs. What stopped him on this trek was what was on his desk.

Sitting in plain sight was a small box of stink pellets that Fleamont Potter had snuck into his bag of clothes from Gambol and Japes. James and Sirius had already used up a box of dungbombs at Hogwarts before school break, leaving the small box of stink pellets to be brought home with Sirius.

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