Regulus Survives AU!: Dec. 1979

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I was asked if I could do one where Regulus survives, so here you all go. Also, I'm aware that no one asked for angst but I delivered anyway. If you want another oneshot in this Surviving AU! tell me, along with a date if you could. Hope you enjoy

-Maddy 🖤

Think of every bad memory you've ever had. Everything in your life you regret, and everytime something went downhill. Think about how you felt; wanting to give up and end the pain right there. That was how Regulus Black felt, his mouth sour with poison, pushing every bad memory he ever had to the front of his head. He wanted to collapse right there and give up, and when the inferi came for him as his eyes clouded with tears, he wanted them to take him. And they almost did. He plunged into the water, the inferi grabbing at his extremities, pulling him towards the sea's endless bottom.

But Kreacher, his house elf, the locket that had been found at the bottom of the basin on his neck, and the replica in its place, followed. He jumped into the water, and grabbed his master's arm, and managed to kick away at the grabbing inferi, and apparate the two to safety.

They landed in the living room at 12 Grimmauld Place — empty because Walburga Black had gone to visit her niece, Bellatrix — sopping wet. Regulus couldn't decipher whether the water running down his face was from the sea or from his tears. His eyes were bloodshot, and his lips were a pale blue. He shook uncontrollably, both from the cold and his sobs, barely feeling the towel that the house elf wrapped around him.

He muttered something to Kreacher, but it wasn't decipherable because of his hyperventilating. Kreacher brought him clean clothes and a steaming cup of tea, but Regulus didn't even notice. At last, Kreacher was able to piece together the sporadic words Regulus let out between sobs. "I want my brother."

Kreacher was startled by the request. "Master Regulus hasn't seen his brother in years." he replied slowly.

Regulus continued to sob, but managed to repeat his statement with a quivering lip.

Wanting to cheer up his master, Kreacher, after taking off the locket, apparate out of the house, leaving a sobbing Regulus, who tried to compose himself enough to change his clothes, and drink his tea.

How Kreacher managed to find Sirius Black was a mystery. And although he was very suspicious of the elf, he, along with James Potter because it was unsafe times to travel alone, were brought to 12 Grimmauld Place.

Regulus, who had begun to compose himself during his time alone, broke down again the moment he saw his brother. The eighteen year old ran to his older brother, threw his arms around him, and sobbed into his chest.

His older brother was confused, and looked at James quickly, who had a similar bewildered expression, but whispered soft murmurs of, "It will be alright," and "What's wrong?" as if they hadn't not seen each other for the last year and a bit.

All Regulus could get out was, "I'm sorry," but the cracks in his voice sent pain through his brother's heart.

Sirius managed to calm him down enough to ask him why he was sorry.

Regulus, despite shaking violently, was able to tell his story, to his brother and James, who had made himself a cup of tea, and sat quietly listening to the story. Regulus apologised for everything he ever said or did.

"You turned?" Sirius's voice was soft.

"He's going to kill me," Regulus managed to say before bursting into tears again.

Sirius pulled him into another hug, "We're not going to let that happen."

James picked up the locket that Kreacher had placed on the end table, "You were incredibly brave, Regulus. And also incredibly smart."

"This is a step towards taking him down," said Sirius, "If we destroy his horcrux, then we can destroy him."

Regulus whipped his tears, "Can I help?"

The two present Marauders communicated silently through a glance. "Of course you can." his brother smiled, "After all you've done, it would be an insult not to let you."

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