Family Photo: 8 July, 1976

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Inspired by the fact that James has a family photograph of his parents, Sirius, and himself in the story Wildest Dreams|A James and Lily love story by holly10121 . It's an amazing story, you should all check it out if you like Jily. P.S. Curse word warning, (only happens once but still) I usually don't swear myself, but this has one. Also, sorry the endings just plain depressing. The beginnings cute though, so there's that.

Remember: James and Sirius share a room, and have a bunkbed.

Family Photo: 8 July, 1976

The door to James and Sirius's room creaked open, and Fleamont flipped the lightswitch. 

Sirius groaned and rolled over, tucking his head underneath his blanket to block out the light.

James shot up, banging his head on the bottom of Sirius's bunk. "Fuck," muttered James, rubbing his temple where he had smacked it. He reached over to his end table and grabbed his glasses fumbly placing them on the bridge of his nose. 

Fleamont chuckled. "Wake up boys, we're going to get our family picture taken."

Sirius lifted his blanket, and put his head against the bar on his bed, so that Fleamont could only see one of his startling grey eyes. 

"Where am I staying?"

Fleamont frowned, "You're not staying anywhere, Sirius. You're a part of the family. Now will you boys get ready, or I'm sending your Mum here to make sure you're up."

James stood up, still rubbing his temple, "I might have a large bump on my forehead for the picture."

Fleamont rolled his eyes, before tapping the bruise on James's forehead, healing it. "Be careful next time, James. Sirius, wake up!"

"I'm waking up," Sirius groaned, finally sitting up. 

"Good, we have to leave in two hours. Come down for breakfast before you get changed." Fleamont called as he exited the room. 

James groaned, "I hate going to get a family portrait." He ran his hand through his hair, "Mum always tries to do my hair." 

Sirius suppressed a smile. "At least you didn't have to do yours with them."

It was easy to see who he was referring to. James cringed internally at that statement. 

"But," Sirius drawled on, "I'm a little excited for this one." He knelt, using the ceiling above him to balance himself. "I thought that I was staying here." He admitted.

James looked up at Sirius, "Why would you think that?" 

Sirius shrugged, "Because I'm not family."

James looked at him as if he grew ten heads, "What? Of course you are."

Sirius just shook his head, before climbing off the bunk bed. "I'm going to the loo before breakfast, James. Tell Mum and Dad I'm coming down."

"Okay," James replied, before running to the kitchen for breakfast. 


"I've left your dress robes in the living room, so go get them." Euphemia told the two boys after they had finished eating. 

James and Sirius raced there and grabbed their dress robes, before bringing it to their room. 

Both quickly threw on the robes over a pair of slacks and a nice shirt. 

"I don't get why we have to wear such fancy robes," James complained as he fastened the top of his robe. "Family pictures should be in the clothes we wear everyday. 

Sirius looked away from the mirror, where he was brushing his long, black hair, "I dunno," he muttered. "This was my everyday clothes for eleven years."

James pursed his lips, "God, that must've sucked."

Sirius pointed the hairbrush at James, "You know it."

"Boys are you almost —" Euphemia said as she walked into the room, a hairbrush and a bottle of water with a nozzle. 

She noticed Sirius doing his hair, and a proud look donned her featured, "Thank you, Sirius, dear. See, James? Sirius is doing his hair for the picture. Why can't you do yours?"

"Sirius does his hair everyday!" exclaimed James, looking distressed at the sight of the bottle. "I think my hair looks good as is."

"James Fleamont, It's sticking up in every direction possible."

"Exactly," James ran his hand through his hair, "It looks good like that." 

Euphemia put the bottle on a shelf in the armoire. "I'm not fighting with you, James. And I guess we don't have time. It would take half a day to do your hair." She sighed, "Are you boys done?"

Sirius put his brush down, "I'm ready, Mum."

"I am too." James said quickly.

"Let's go then."


"I'm here for a picture with my husband and my sons." Euphemia told the clerk at the desk.

Sirius smiled broadly at being referred to as her "son", even though she's said it more times than once.

They were taken into the room with the photographer, and James and Sirius sat down on the chairs in the middle.

"James, sit still. Sirius, don't do that." Fleamont said.

James was squirming in his seat as Sirius kept poking him in his ribs. 

Euphemia shook her head, slightly amused at her boys' antics.

In the end, they got a good family picture (and a couple where James and Sirius were just goofing off). 

Sirius kept a copy of the picture in his pocket, and took it everywhere with him. Years later, when he was taken into custody, the Aurors had to practically pry the photo from his hands. It left them confused. Why would a person want to keep a photo of the person they inadvertingly murder? 

When it was taken from his hands, Sirius, for the first time, was slightly thankful Fleamont and Euphemia had died. Because no matter how much he missed them, he didn't think he could bear them believing he had murdered James. Because Sirius was their son, and he strove to make them proud.

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