Surprise! 4 October, 1976

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A/N: Enjoy the fanart I found on Pinterest of little Minnie, her parents, Robert and Isobel and her brothers Malcolm and Robert Jr.

Also, today is October 4th, which means HAPPY BIRTHDAY MINERVA MCGONAGALL!

A chapter in her honour!

Surprise! 4 October, 1976

Peace and quiet was something that was rarely found in the Marauder dorm. In fact, Remus Lupin was basking in this silence, a large novel that weighed more than a brick open on his lap as he curled in a ball on the floor between his and Sirius's bed.




Remus groaned, and didn't look up from his book, instead saying, "What is it, Prongs? Padfoot? Wormtail?" 

The three other boys looked around the room quickly, trying to pinpoint Remus's location. When they found him, Sirius and James rushed forward, throwing themselves at both sides of him. Sirius burrowed himself into Remus's left side, and rested his head on Remus's chest, and James laid his head on Remus's shoulder. 

Peter came forward, albeit much slower than Sirius or James, and crouched in front of Remus.

Noting that any other moment of silence would be impossible, Remus put a spare bit of parchment on his page and shut the book with a slam.

"Did something happen?"

"You'll never guess what we found out in detention!" Sirius exclaimed, though his voice was slightly muffled by Remus's jumper.

"You know what tomorrow is?" Peter asked.

Remus thought for a moment, "The fourth of October? A Tuesday?"

"Minnie's Birthday!" James pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, but that just made them lopsided, as he was still leaning on Remus.

"Tomorrow's Professor McGonagall's birthday?" Remus carefully maneuvered his book over James and onto his bed. "How'd you find this out?"

"We were at detention," Sirius began, "The one that you should've been joining us in?"

"I didn't get detention," Remus objected.

He wasn't incorrect. The day before, the Marauders had pulled an elaborate prank, and while the initial idea had been Remus's, the werewolf had managed to sweet talk his way out of detention, while the other three were stuck doing something dismal.

"We had to sort through mountains of books in the library. You would've enjoyed it, being as organised as you are. But while we were there, Professor Dumbledore came in to ask Mean Librarian Lady —"

"Her name is still Madam Pince, Sirius," Remus muttered.

"—about something," Sirius continued as if he hadn't been interrupted, "and we decided to listen. Turns out they were talking about Minnie's birthday!"

Remus frowned in thought, "Let me guess, we're planning a party for her birthday?"

James sat up straight, his eyes widening, "I was just planning to scream 'Happy Birthday!' in the Great Hall tomorrow, but your idea is unfathomably exquisite!" He pecked Remus on the cheek, "You, my good sir, are a genius!"

"Of course he is, he's Moony!" Sirius also kissed Remus's cheek lightly, after he sat up, to sit on the edge of his bed, pulling a muggle notebook with the name 'Padfoot' engraved in cursive that he had gotten at a stationery shop Remus had dragged the other three to one summer holiday.

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