Shut it, Gilderoy; 2 April, 1978

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{A/N; This oneshot is inspired by the picture above, which I found on Pinterest. It is tweaked to my liking, seeing as the post has some inaccuracies, such as the fact that Lockhart is four years younger than the Marauders (The marauders were born in late 1959 to early 1960 and Lockhart was born in 1964). In this story, Remus, Peter, James, and Sirius are seventh years, and Lockhart is a third year. Plus, listen to the song from AVPSY, it goes with the chapter.

Warning: This chapter includes drinking (though the only person who drinks is overage) and smoking (I mean, this takes place in the seventies, let's be realistic here) And one very arrogant Gilderoy Lockhart. If any of these bother you, I'm terribly sorry.

On with the oneshot, now!}

The four Marauders sat on the grounds of Hogwarts, sitting near a tree, enjoying the abnormally warm April day.

James laid on the ground, his messy hair getting tangled with the grass, tossing a Quaffle in the air, thinking about his girlfriend, Lily, who was with her own friends. His glasses were slightly askew on his nose.

Peter sat criss cross on a picnic blanket, a small basket of sweets to his left, and some empty glasses next to a bottle of whiskey to his right. Sirius had purchased a stash last Christmas break, seeing as he was the only one at the time who had been eighteen, and able to purchase such substances in the muggle world.

Both Sirius and Remus had a cigarette dangling from their lips. Sirius was just in his own mind, his long hair was tied up in a bun, held together by his wand despite the protest of the other three. Remus had a textbook open on the grass by his feet, a spell keeping it open despite the wind.

None of the four boys talked, they all sat in contentment, as four best friends do on a sunny April's morning. It was going perfectly well for the Gryffindor seventh year, until they heard someone clear their throat.

They looked up in unison to see a boy standing there. Though they didn't show it, all four Gryffindor's internally groaned at their luck. The younger boy was wearing Ravenclaw robes, despite it being a Sunday morning, and a sickly sweet smile on his face. He sat down, uninvited, on the blanket next to Peter, and pulled out a Chocolate Frog from their basket, and unwrapped it.

Remus held the cigarette between his fingers, and glared at the younger boy. "Those aren't yours, Lockhart."

Gilderoy smiled, and took a bite, "I'm sure you're fine with sharing with a celebrity. In a few years, you'll be bragging that the amazing Gilderoy Lockhart ate some of your chocolate."

James snorted, sitting up and ruffling his hair, sending grass flying. "You're like twelve, Lockhart."

Lockhart seemed rather offended, but instead smiled, chocolate staining his teeth, "I'm actually fourteen. Turned it on the 26th of January."

"No offence, but we don't really care when your birthday is," said Peter, trying to bring the sweets basket closer to himself.

"Oh, it's a very important date. It'll be a holiday soon, I know it. Gilderoy day! I'll be known for creating the Philosopher's Stone before graduation, bringing the England Quidditch Team to World Cup glory, and becoming the youngest Minister for Magic!"

Sirius stared at him, "You aren't even on the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team, how are you going to the World Cup? With England, no less?" He extinguished his cigarette in the astray, and crawled over to Peter to pour himself a cup of whiskey whispering, "If I ever get a drinking problem, it'll be because of this kid," so only Peter could hear.

Gilderoy looked at Sirius's glass intrigued, "Where did you get alcohol from?"

Sirius took a sip and glared at him, "You see, I, unlike you, am eighteen, and have access to this kind of stuff. You're too little to understand what us older people must deal with."

Gilderoy frowned, "So all eighteen year olds do is drink and smoke those filthy things?" He gestured to Remus, who shut his textbook rather quickly.

Remus shook his head, before blowing in Gilderoy's face.

Gilderoy stood up with a disgusted look on his face, and glared at Remus. "What did you do that for?"

"Do us a favour, will you?" commented James, "Shut it, Gilderoy."

Gilderoy crossed his arms and huffed, turning on his heels and leaving the four older boys sitting with a look of satisfaction etched on all their faces.

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