Consequences: Wolfstar

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TW: contains mentions of child abuse (freaking Orion and Walburga) (nothing explicit tho), internalized homophobia, external homophobia (no explicit slurs or nothing, just like whispering and rumors), rumors, the f-word like twice, mentions of broken bones (no explicit breaking either, just the aftereffect), and overall just angst. This is anything but the fluff I usually write.

Dedicated to WiseRavenclaw07

Consequences: Wolfstar (5th Year following The Prank)

There had always been rumours regarding Remus John Lupin, ever since he stepped on the Hogwarts Express as a quiet eleven year old with a large scar running down his cheek. They had evolved over the years: he had a rabid carnivorous rabbit as a pet, to his house was filled with dangerous knick knacks that constantly injured himself, to he fought the giant squid in the lake, to he fought Death Eaters on a Hogsmeade trip. One would believe after nearly five years of rumours Remus would grow used to them, become accustomed to the fact that he was a laughing stalk amongst the Hogwarts student population, but every time a new one came about, it stung just a little more.

This month, the rumours were terrible. Just yesterday he was running with his best friends, laughing, trusting, and today he rolled between classes in a wheelchair, both his legs wrapped in large casts, one up to his waist and the other to his knee, and his face and arms covered in plasters. 

How much his life had changed overnight.

It started with a "prank" though Remus hated to call it that because it was much more, it was a cruel joke that would have ruined Remus's life if it went according to plan. A thoughtless, careless, ramble of words. The boy Remus trustest most had let those words slip, and with that Remus's whole sense of security. He could hear his father's scolding, telling him that he was right, that Remus should've stayed isolated. That none of this would have happened if Remus didn't put his trust in someone.

Remus was honestly shocked that Dumbledore was able to stop the truth from going out, a vow from the victim to not say a word, and a year's worth of detention for the boy who caused all the pain. Then he just sent them all off, to go to classes. Remus wasn't sure how he managed it, having to roll the halls and the staircases that turned into ramps, and having to sit in class and take notes like he hadn't been a monster the night before, like he didn't have a broken femur and a broken tibula, like he wasn't betrayed by his best friend, the boy he might've even thought more of, and like he hadn't almost been a murderer the night before.

He was questioned more than he expected about his wheelchair, mainly by an inquisitive prefect by the name of Lily Evans. He made a lie about falling in a magical booby-trap. It was the best he could think of on the spot. James overheard this and when he was questioned, he answered the same, hoping the rumours lined up. Sirius never answered when he was questioned, just glared at the asker and stormed off, too ashamed of the truth to be able to lie. Peter squeaked out an answer, usually a "go ask Remus", hoping the asker would take the hint and leave.

The rumours spread beyond what they had said, until there was one cohesive story that was whispered in the hallways, whispered between students in class, whispered between enemies on the Quidditch pitch, and it was as followed:

Four marauders had decided to set a trap for Severus Snape, their known enemy. It wasn't meant to injure, just to keep him stuck for a few hours, and get him late to class. But Sirius Black messed up the spellwork, and when they were setting up the large, mouse-trap-like booby-trap, it snapped back, breaking Remus Lupin's two legs. Because it was a magical booby-trap Madam Pomfrey couldn't heal it quickly, and had to put Remus in a wheelchair for the time being, and Sirius felt so guilty, he took the blame so only he got detention. 

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