I Want to Show You: Aug. 1966

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It was three in the morning, and six year old Sirius Black snuck slowly across the house, making sure not to make any indication that he was breaking the rules. He quietly opened the door to Regulus's bedroom, his breathing rate increasing as the door made a small squeak.

No one in the house heard though, not even his five year old brother sleeping in the bed less than five feet from him. He went and sat on the edge of the bed, and gripped his brother's shoulder, shaking him ever so slightly.

"Reggie. Reggie." He whispered.

Regulus rolled over and continued to ignore his older brother.

"Reggie, please wake up." Sirius pleaded. "I want to show you something."

That caught the younger boy's attention, he rolled onto his back, and opened his eyes, they danced around the room, taking in everything from Sirius to the decorations on the wall.

"Siri, it's dark outside." Regulus told him, and made a point to roll back over and return to his slumber.

"I know that. I want to show you something, before Mummy and Daddy wake up."

Regulus rolled over yet again, and opened his eyes. He robbed them roughly, and sat up, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

Sirius stood up, and held out his hand for Regulus to grab. When both boys were standing, Sirius led his brother quietly down the hall.

"Siri, what time is it?" Regulus asked in a whisper when they were about halfway down the hall.

Sirius shrugged, "I don't know what the clock says. It's only pointy sticks going around in circles to look at numbers."

Regulus couldn't complain about that, and they didn't talk until they reached the bottom of a staircase. Sirius went up the first step and turned around to see Regulus apprehensive to go up.

"Come on, Reggie."

Regulus looked worriedly around, "Mummy doesn't want us upstairs."

Sirius gave him a lopsided smirk, "That's why we are doing it." And continued his quiet ascend.

Regulus decided to follow, and when they reached the top, Sirius opened the door, and the two of them entered.

"The bookroom? I can't read, Siri." Regulus told him as Sirius seemed to look around for something.

"You mean a library, Reggie? I know you can't read. We're not here for books."

He returned to his younger brother with a little trinket box in his hand.

"Look at this," said Sirius as he opened the lid, a little ogre with a ballet tutu standing on a pedestal inside. Sirius spun a little key on the corner, and the ogre started to spin. A soft lullaby also emitted from the small trinket.

"What is it?" asked Regulus, going on his tiptoes to see better what his older brother had in his hand.

Sirius shrugged, "I'm not sure," he told him. "Some sort of music-dancy box, I guess."

When the song finished, the ogre seemed to bow, and a flock of miniature bluebirds flew out, chirping. The brothers, mainly Regulus, looked at the birds in awe.

"Siri, it's fantastic."

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