I Did It: Dec. 1975

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(A/N. This oneshot takes place at the same time as the one about Regulus on the same date a few chapters back. If you can't remember what Sirius was agreeing on in the beginning, Walburga had just said, "Goodbye, Sirius, and I pray that you never step foot in this house again." My friend katmarieolivia told me to write this (by that I mean I said, "Give me a prompt" and this is what she said.) So enough ranting by me, on with the story!)

"For once we agree on something," Sirius Black turned on his heels and made his way into the frigid winter.

Even though he was bundled up quite well, the cold air still stung on his exposed skin. He could see his breath, making puffs in front of him. The street lights seemed to be the only thing illuminating his way down the street.

He had no idea where he was walking to, all he knew was that he had to get as far away from his house as possible. He quickened his pace to a trot, his trunk bouncing behind him.

He reached the corner and stopped, breathing was getting quite difficult for the boy. He put his trunk down, and reached in his coat pocket for his wand.

After making sure no muggle was looking in his direction, he held his wand in front of him.

It was almost instantaneous, as soon as his wand was in front of him a purple bus made its way to a halt. The door opened, and the conductor began to talk.

Sirius ignored him, pulling his trunk onto the bus towards the closest bed, and sat down on it. The bus started again, and the conductor walked up to him, "Where are you going?" He asked.

Sirius gave him a blank stare, before thinking about his options. Finally, he whispered, "Do you know where the Potters live?"

The conductor raised an eyebrow, but nodded.

"Take me to the closest stop near their house."

The conductor nodded again, and walked towards the driver.

The whole ride, Sirius didn't talk, his mind was still racing, however, and seemed to zoom faster than the Knight Bus.

What was his family doing?
Probably celebrating.
Should he have brought Regulus along?
It was too late to consider that now.
Would the Potters take him in?
He really hoped so, he didn't have any other option.

He nearly fell off the bed as the bus jolted to a halt, "We're here! Er... you never told me your name!" The conductor called.

Sirius stood up, and grabbed his trunk. He dragged it out the bus, and at the bottom step, he turned around.

"I'm Sirius, a proud blood traitor," he told them, before exiting the bus without another word.

He surveyed his surroundings as the bus zoomed away behind him. He had gone to the Potters the summer before, and recognised the street he stood on. He started to walk down the path to the Potters.

Once he made it to the doorway, he was apprehensive to knock. It had taken quite some time to get to the Potters from his house. While he had left around 20:00, now it had to be closer to 22:00. Still, he was freezing, and wouldn't be able to stay out much longer.

He lifted his hand and started rapping at it, loudly.

Inside, Fleamont and Euphemia Potter heard the loud knocks at the door, and made their way to the door, to see who would be knocking this late in the night.

Fleamont opened the door, and saw Sirius, his face pale from the cold, his grey eyes determined, and his trunk lying next to him.

"Hello, Mr. Potter, Mrs. Potter. I'm sorry for the late arrival, but I just ran away from home and I..."

"Of course you can stay, Sirius!" Euphemia cut him off, "Fleamont, could you get James?" When Fleamont ran to get him, Euphemia turned back to Sirius, "You must be frozen, come in and I'll make you a warm cup of tea."

Before Sirius could react, Euphemia took his trunk, and Sirius stepped in, and she shut the door behind him. She put the trunk behind the door as Sirius hung up his coat. Euphemia grabbed his hand, and gently guided him towards the kitchen, "Merlin!" She exclaimed, "You really are frozen, sit down!"

Sirius did that, and looked around, "Thank you so much, Mrs. Potter. I appreciate this a lot more than you can imagine."

Euphemia smiled at him, "It's no trouble at all, Sirius. Now let's get you warmed up."

It was at that moment that Fleamont reappeared with a drowsy James Potter, who was rubbing his eyes barely awake, even if it wasn't midnight yet. James had never been a night owl, instead opting to wake up early and play quidditch. His eyes widened as he saw Sirius sitting at the counter, "Sirius? What are you doing here?" He asked, suddenly more awake.

Sirius gave him the most genuine smile he had ever given him in over five years of friendship, "I did it, Prongs. I finally ran away."

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