Trust me (Wolfstar): 3 May, 1977

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{A/N: Don't ship it, skip this chapter. Please no hate for the ship. Now, I'm aro/ace, so all feelings and stuff is from what I think people feel? So, if it isn't right, I'm sorry. That's also why it's so short. I tried, my friends. -Maddy)

Trust me (Wolfstar): 3 May, 1977

"Where are you taking me," Remus asked, being dragged by Sirius, who was running down the hall. 

"I'm the one planning this date, don't you trust me?"

"I guess."

"You wound me, Moons," Sirius stopped in front of the One-Eyed Witch Statue. 

"We're sneaking out?" 

Sirius smirked at him, "You should've guessed that."

"I should've. Did you borrow the cloak from James?" Remus's eyes trailed to the rucksack Sirius had on his back.

"Of course. Stop worrying, Moony!"

"I'm a prefect, still."

"Dissendium." The passage revealed itself, and Sirius slipped his hand into Remus, and brought him into the passage.

"Are you going to tell me where you are taking me?"

Sirius took a deep breath, before summoning the courage to kiss Remus softly on the lips. 

"Trust me." 

Frozen, Remus only managed to mumble incoherently as Sirius led him down through the door into Honeydukes cellar. 

"I'm going to buy you chocolate," Sirius informed him, pulling a Chocolate Frog off the shelf. 

"Pads, you don't—" Remus attempted to tell him.

"I am," Sirius insisted. "What type of person would I be if I didn't buy you chocolate?"

"I don't know," Remus muttered as Sirius paid for the chocolate. "Are you telling me where we are going now?"

"The Shrieking Shack."

Remus stopped abruptly, "Why?"

"You'll see! Merlin, Moony! You're impatient." Sirius laughed.

"Alright! No more questions," Remus responded, and allowed Sirius to bring him to the shack.

"Do I get to know why we're here now?" Remus asked, as he leaned against the wall of the shack.

"Because this is where I realised." Sirius whispered.

Remus frowned, "Realised what exactly?"

Sirius started to laugh, "To think you're the brains of our group. That I fancied you."

"Oh," whispered Remus. "Well, er—"

"Left you speechless," joked Sirius, trying to cover up his nervousness. 

Instead of answering, Remus walked over and pulled Sirius by the collar of his and slammed his lips onto his. Sirius deepened the kiss, before breaking the kiss, to smirk, "So, you trust me now?" But kissed him before he could reply.

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