16. When The Past Comes Back.... In The Present

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Ready for a shocker?!?!?!?!?

The chapter will be short, due to my laziness! Tell me how you liked it by commenting!


Anna's POV

I never had been in this part of the castle. It's a dark room, with a little lighting. I remember being chased  by the sentry, and this blue mist manifesting me. This is where I was manifested in a dark room?

One thing about Shadowland that haunts people is the deathly yet powerful magic it has. It once was ruled by the witches, but the vampires took over. 

I need to get out of here, I don't know what happened to father. Did they bury him in the ground? Or did they just burn him with the rest of the people on the ranch? Then I remembered the guards lining each of girls my age, telling us to wait for 'him'. I gave up a fight, and then somehow I was concussions, and fainted. 

I try to escape when I woke up in a red-colored room. I needed to get out of here. 

"Arrr-iieee-llll-aaa." a squeaky yet mauciline voice sang.

There was a door at the corner, and I started banging on it. "Open the door." I kept on screaming. 

"Oh, what are you doing there?" the voice said behind the door. 

"Just open the door." I yelled. 

"Just say the magic words, and I will."  the voice said again.

Magic? He's a wizard! Trying to use a human like me to expreiment me on his evil dark magic! That got me angry.

"I swear if you don't open the door, I will cut your hands, and sell them to a greedy merchant." I threatened.

"Geez, what was in that popcorn you ate?" the voice said. I heard the locks being opened and out revealed a bright light, that made me squint my eyes. 

"Ariella, are you okay?" the voice said again.

I adjust my eyes, and see a male aorund my age. He had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a smile that was wicked. He was wearing something silly on himself. What was this men wearing?

"Why you wearin' a dirty and stinky dress?" the male asked, observing my clothes. 

I quickly went for his throat and tackled him down on the floor. He was choking and gagging for air.

"OH MY GOD!!!" a girl said at the entry way, that was so far away.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" the girl came runnig to me. I see her more closely. She was dressed up in a man's suit, it was red. 

"Who are you?" I asked/ She gave me a puzzled look, and looked at me more closely. The her eyes widended. 

"Ari, when did you dye you hair brown? Are those green contacts?" She questioned me. What in the Gods were contacts, and why would I make my brown hair die?

"K-K-Kate." The guy whose throat was still in my grip of hands, choked barely. 

"You're going to kill Cole, Leave him, NOW!" She said tugging at my arm.

I let go of the man who was named 'Cole' and looked at the maiden who was named 'Kate'. Cole got up and started massaging his throat, and kept on coughing. The girl, Kate, helped by rubbing his back. 

"What happened?" Kate asked the Cole.  

"What happened?" Cole said pointing at me.

I look at my surrounding and it seems like I was in a enormous room, that had a desk in the dead center, and behind were rows,shelves, and colums of books. 

I heard the two whispering while I was pondering where I was. 

"Why is she acting like this?" (Kate)

"I don't know, I put her in here so Logan can calm down by seeing her." (Cole)

"You idiot, you know he can murder someone whoever is infront of him in his rage." (Kate)

"Hey its not my fault, he kept on screaming and kept on crying when seeing her picture." (Cole)

"Pictures? Logan does not have any picture of Ari." (Kate)

"Yeah he does, here look at this." ( Cole giving the picture to Kate)

"This is not Ar-" (Kate)

"Where am I?" I said, interrupting there little conversation.

"Chicago." Cole said weirdly.

"What?" I asked, confused. I never heard of that town o rvillage in Shadowland.

The girl punched him in the stomach with her arm. He gave a 'whoomph' sound and started rubbing it. 

"Could you give us a sec?" Kate asked. 

"Whatever that means." I said leaving them to have a conversation. Then something in the room attracts my eyes. The balcony that showed the full moon. 

"That is not the Ariella, she's acting nothing like her.' (Kate)

"if this is not Ariella, then who's in the picture?" (Cole)

'I don't know!' (Kate)

'We need someone's help, maybe they know who she is.' (Cole)

'But who? Who can we trust." (Kate)

"Logan?' (Cole)

"NO! Are you crazy, she'd rather die then getting his help." (Kate)

"I think I know whose help we should get.'  (Kate)

'Okay, lets go.' ( Cole grabbing Kate's hand.)

"Wait we cant just leave her here, what if Logan comes back?' (Kate)

I hear someone clear their throat, I break apart from the beautiful scenery and look back at them.

"Let's show you to your room." Kate said.


"So you don't remember me?" Cole asked. We were in the largest room I had ever seen in my whole life. The room looked so elegant, with wierd kind of furnitures. The bed I was sitting on was so soft, it made me sleepy, if only the boy, Cole, would stop asking me questions.

"I'm afraid, no." I answered to him. The gir, Kate, told us she'll be right back. 

"How about your mom, you atleast need to remember her?" he said, serious. 

"My mother died after she gave birth to me, Mister." I said to him, holding back some tears, reminding myself, that I was an orphan now, due to my father's murder. 

"Ari- Wait! What is your name?" Cole asked.

"Anna." I said to him.



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