10. Just For You.

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 Hey my readers!! 

So here's my update for a the week, 


I have my first ever FINALS!!

Sucks rite? 

Here it goes....


I think I was dreaming. I was going to pinch myself but what I was dreaming about was really calming. I was at the Daisy Park. I used to come here with my mom after-school to hang out and have fun. This time I was seventeen and there she was. Her hazel eyes glowing, her youth still with her, and endless personality. She was sitting on the bench where we would always sit, eating ice cream.

“Mom?” I gasped, tears brimming in my eyes.

“Come here baby girl.” She said, extending her arms.

I didn’t hesitate to let go of the feeling and embrace her with all my life. She smelled the same, sweet vanilla and honey.

“I missed you so mu-uch mom.” I said, as the tears couldn’t control themselves.

“I know, come. Let’s sit down. We got a lot of catching up to do young lady.” She said, motioning to the bench.

I sat down with her, hand in hand. Told her everything what happened after that ‘night’. How I spent my Christmas with the at the hospital with nurses. How my crazy imaginations at last went to the train of never land. Then to how I was all alone, but Cole and Kate were always with me. How friendships are going deeper, and all the things we done. To how in school I been doing more than awesome.  To when I mention Logan. 

“Oh Logan, isn’t he a fine young man.” She said.

“How do you know Logan?” I asked curiously.

“Oh look time to go.” She said calmly.

“What? No mom you’re not leaving me, not again.” I frightened said.

“I am not going anywhere. You are.” She explained.


“You’re thinking out loud habit never goes away. Does it?” she said laughing.

I laugh with her, been a long time with her gone.

“Don’t worry I’ll always be here.” She said pointing to my heart.

“Meet you tomorrow?” I asked.

“Forever.” She replied.

I wake up, but I still had my eyes closed. I was too lazy to open them. I was always a late sleeper, and my sleep is really important to me. So if you interrupt my sleeping, I WILL interrupt your breathing.

A cold has comes to my face, and moves a strand of hair from my face. The feeling gave me chills through my spine. I arched my back and turned left. Clutching on grip to a hand? Maybe it was Squirt , my stuffed turtle, from Finding Nemo

I feel a kiss on my cheeks. I felt alive, my mind gives me a fast forward of all the vision leading up to when I see the identical person of me. I wake jolt awake.

What just happened? I look around the room and no one was around. I stare at my turtle for a long time.

I take Squirt and stare in his googley-eyes.

His Dark Cold Love { Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now