8. Till' My Soul Leaves My Body.....

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I didn't utter a word, complete silence. For the first time Ariella Sterling had nothing to say.He took his hands, and turned me around removing my hair. The took my arm that had the mark, and traced over the mark. He was now getting from worried to tense, and usual mad. 

"Well are you just going to stand there, we are leaving now. YOU ARE NOT STAYING HERE FOR ANOTHER SECOND. " he says coldly. 

"What do you mean 'we' are leaving. There is no we, and I'm not going anywhere. Especially if you can see with your aloof eyes that I have a cast on." I matter-of-factly said.

He looked down at my foot, the worried expression back. He looks up and say, "Well what's not expected from you." He sarcastically retorted.

My head was throbbing with a mega pain. I put my hands over my head, it didn't help, I lost balance and was going to fall inward, but Logan caught my hands, and I was there hanging. 

I was pulled up and met a chest, that was warm, and a nuzzling neck to lay on. 

"You are just like her." I hear before I black out. 


The smell of frozen wood and lavender woke me up. I woke up in a red-colored round bed. At first I was disoriented, but then remembered where I was. I get up and started to go for the huge double doors when I realized, my cast was gone. I pull up my pajama to my knees and was shocked. No scratch, no blood, most of all: no pain.

Did Logan do some voodoo on me? Frustrated, I head for the double doors. I turn both knobs-

"AAhh." I jump back and there was a familiar face.

"Sorry, I was coming to come check on you." A sweet voice says to me. I look up to see the same girl, who thought I died and came back again. I think I remembered her name. (Thanks to Logan’s supersonic loudness.)

"Hey, aren't you Annn...Anelle...Adonna...hmmm... Oh!....Angela, right?" I ask.

"Yes indeed I am." She chirply said.

Angela had medium blonde hair that had amazing curls. Bright blue eyes, that are almost like the color of the ocean. A body like a Barbie doll. Standing in front of her made my self-esteem low.

We were standing there looking at each other; she was looking at me from head-to-toe. It felt like she was making some mental notes about me. I clear my throat, and she breaks from her observing.

"You might be wondering why you're here?" she asked.

"Said it straight from my mind." I joked.

She smiled, “Well since you know about our kind, you have to live with us."

My respect from her just deducted, and my smile was now a mad look.

"I know this is not what you were expecting but everything has reasons behind it. One day or another, Logan will tell you why he brought you here, but for right now, let's get you something to eat. Your stomach was growling when Logan was carrying you around the mansion. You even woke up the right time, because you’re just in time for lunch." Angela said.

Logan carried me?!? In his arms, while I was fainted, in his arms, and brought me here, in his arms. Isn't this called kidnapping?

While I was fuming up, Angela took my arm and dragged me through the puzzle aka mansion. While we were passing through, we came through dozens of female ages between 16-30, but mostly 18, wearing long purple outfits. . They kept their gazes down whenever passing by.

“Who are they, Angela?” I asked her.

“Silly they’re maids of course!” Angela answered in a tone like obvious-answer-to-that-question.

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