41. Lose Your Mind.

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When a father walks down his daughter  down the aisle as a bride, when the sun sets to let the moon rise for its beauty, and when the sound of a newborn baby happens, there’s this sense of feeling you get. Its a feeling that spreads warmth and excitement at the same time. Sort of like a relief too. Makes you smile so big and nothing can possibly ruin that moment.

These are some parts of happiness and joys of life. Moments you know would bring positive feelings to.

But when you least expect something you never thought, it hits you like a storm.


With my heels in my hands I walk out of the Dining Room. The Feast was over, and my face was aching from all the fake smiles I had put through for their same kind of comments.  ‘Congratulations.’ or ‘We’re really happy for you.’

I had to stay there until everybody was gone, forcibly. And the second the last guest stepped out of the room, I was long gone. I didn’t wait for a consult for me to leave, I just left. I had too much for myself to handle for a day.

All I remember was walking fast to the room with my frantic breathing. My heart was pounding against my chest and my mind was flashing visuals I had never seen. It was like I was having those unexplainable visions again the first time I had met Logan. The last time I had one was when I knew the truth about Anna.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do this.” Was all I was  hearing. And I sure knew it wasn’t my voice. It was an old English voice, and feminine.

I burst through the door the the room I was staying in and collapsed on the floor. My dress got caught with my foot and I fell flat on the ground. I whimpered a little from the sudden break of pain in my arms and neck.

And just like that he came and picked me up as if I was nothing but a feather.

“You know you have to tell me what happened back there.” I drowsily said to Logan.

“We can do this tomorrow.” Logan sternly said as he descended me down on the soft grey comforter of the bed. My body instantly accepts the warmth and comfort as I lay down and scrunch my body up like a baby.

My eyes flutter and then shuts. I feel a cold air on the top of my head.

“I love you.” Logan said as he gave a long lingering kiss on top of my forehead. I didn’t respond, because darkness fell over me before I even could.

“So much...” The voice trailed and I was long gone.


I woke up the next morning, staring at the ceiling. Wondering if I could do it. Marry Logan that is. Then I start trying to put the pro’s and con’s together.

The pro’s: I love him.

The con’s: I’m only seventeen, didn’t even graduate, immature to even be a Queen of Vampires ( I can barely control Logan.), and I’m not very much of a wife material.

Doesn’t that make life more easier. When you use pro’s and con’s. My back was aching and I pull the comforter away from me. I was still wearing that gown from last night. No wonder why I couldn’t move and be free while trying to sleep. I get up and massage my eyes and temples. I find a white wardrobe, and hope there are some clothes in there.

I open the wardrobe and smile when I see pants and shirts. I take out a  familiar  looking jeans and a full blue sweatshirt and remember the same cotton feeling. Then it clicked to me.

These are my own clothes. But I thought my own clothes were back at the school in my dorm? I connect the dots and assume that someone I closely and dearly knew could’ve done this. And to send a very particular message.

His Dark Cold Love { Book 1 }Where stories live. Discover now