2. A Deadly Deal with the Devil...

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"Umm... I.... was...guide.. hallway.." I was trying to say everything at once, but couldn't. How could you explain to a teacher that you saw un-human like witness in the hallway? It's like a five-year-old telling their parents about monsters in their closet.

"We'll take this case to your  Dean, you can take your seat now." Mr. Smerz says, continuing on his Shakespeare lecture.

I scurried in the back of the room where my assigned seat was. BAM! Someone foot was in front of me, that I didn't even know, and fell on my butt. It hurts badly!

Then I look up who did that.

"What happened Sterling, didn't get enough in the janitor's room.?" The school slut/ hooker/ whore / can't-find-clothes-that-can-cover-her-body / head cheerleader Megan Lace. And her minions also added with her obnoxious laugh.

We had a deep history together, let's just say she bullied me on everything I did, when one day I read in her "stolen journal" and found out that she's jealous of me. Of what?

"Not really, Why don't you just go there and finish it for me?" I said with a smirk.

Anger flared from her ears and nose. That's what you get to get smart with me a hooker.

"Is there a problem back there?" Mr. Smerz asked.

"Perfectly fine," I replied.

I got up and went in the back of the room. Cole gave me a questioning look, but I just gave him a smile. Then Kate mouthed 'Tell at lunch'. I gave thumbs back.

I took a deep breath and a sigh. I closed my head for a bit and imagined myself in my happy place.

I was so lost in my happy place that I didn't hear the classroom door open, cool breeze traveled through my skin. And another scene popped in my head.

It was at night, beneath the bright twinkling stars and light full moon. Fields and beds of orchids, calla lily's, red roses, gardenia, and much more. A pale hand was going through the red roses and plucked one rose out.  It was Logan. He brought it up to a girl's face and brushed it through her cheeks. The girl opened her eyes, but I couldn't see her face. "Beautiful, but not much as you," Logan said to the girl. I could feel the girl blushing.

I open my eyes and rub my temples. Why do I keep getting these daydreams today? Why today? And what was Logan in them suddenly?

"Attention everyone, I would like you to meet our new student. Why don't you tell about yourself?"Mr. Smerz said. I wasn't paying attention, I was still rubbing my temples.

" I'm Logan, and I just came from London." the British accent got to me. My eyes suddenly widened and I stopped rubbing my temples. All the girls in the classroom, including Megan and Kate, let out a flirtatious sigh and smile. Really Kate? Wait till I tell you what happened. All the guys were giving him cool nods, including Cole.

I didn't even dare to try to meet his eyes or take a glance. For the first time, after that terrible accident, I've been afraid of something.

"You can take any seat Mr.Evan." Mr. Smerz said, continuing on his ever-lasting lecture of Shakespeare.

I just kept on flipping through the booklet about Shakespeare. I dropped my pencil, I was waiting for it to drop on the floor, but the sound never came. I looked at my side. My jaws dropped. It was in mid-air.

My freaking pencil was in mid-air!

I looked up, and my now my whole mouth drops, the whole class was like frozen on what they were doing. Some were not even breathing. Mr.Smerz had one of his hand up, mouth open, eyes closed. As if he was about to say something. Meghan's hands stopped from applying lipstick. Kate froze from writing notes. The whole class was freaking frozen. Why wasn't I? I wave my hand through a random person's face.

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