27. "Can She Heal?"

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(Author's POV)

The monitors were still beeping. The  blood pressure was normal. She dozed off with painkillers the nurse injected in her I.V. The doctors had to put her into rest because her brain couldn't handle any shock or any news that might end up in another surgery. 

Afterall the tumor was finally gone. 

The doctor really were surprised that she didn't ask for her death mother, but a man with the name of 'Logan'. The only person that would visit her every now and then would be her childhood friend Cole. He would hopes everyday that she would wake up. He would go to the hospital's chapel, praying to God, that one day she would wake up. And she did. 

The hospital's meeting center doors slide open. Cole comes with a flower bouquet and teddy bear. He came in with a bright smile, because that very morning he had received the news of his friends waking up after five years. Seven years ago he was waiting for her during the choir lessons him and Ariella had together at their local church. He got the news when his mother, who never frequently cared about him, rushed him to the hospital to see his friend burned, and fighting for life. 

"Cole, sweety, there you are!" A nurse said. She was Ariella's nurse. She was there when the ambulance brought her in. She monitored every hour, read her books, and always talked to her even when Ariella was in a comatose state. 

"Hey, Jackie, can I see her." Cole said right off the bat. 

"Sure, I think she's just gonna wake-up." The nurse replied. 

He walked in and saw her, but she wasn't on the bed, but on the floor.

(Ariella's POV)

"I love you too, from the start, and forever." Logan said. 

Then the dagger enters my flesh. 

He was supposed to kill Logan, but instead he striked me. 

"Somebody, HELP!" Logan screamed. 

"Ariella, listen to me. You're not leaving me. Not again!" Logan was chanting over and over. '

"LOGAN!" I yelled, when I woke up. I had a bad dream. It was a horrible one. It was where I was going away from Logan. I was sweating, and was continuously taking rigid breaths. There was a pain that shot through my right arm. I saw it and saw there was an I.V. inserted there. 

'I have to go. She'll kill him. She'll kill him and I'll lose him forever.' My head kept chanting. 

I abruptly took the I.V. needle and pulled it off me. I also pulled out the wires that sticked to my chest and lungs. I took my blanket off, and got off the bed. My foot met the cold surface of the floor. I was in a hospital gon that thankfully covered my back. 

I try to walk but my legs wobble and I fall to the ground. My legs are numb, and I couldn't walk for now. I took all of my energy and started to drag myself on the floor. 

"Ari!" a familiar voice said to me. 

I look up and see Cole, worried and shocked. 

"Cole?" I said. 

"Nurse!" Cole shouted. 

Cole picked me up and putted me back on the bed. I was fighting against him. Didn't he knew Logan was in danger? The nurses came in and tried to calm me down. They were keeping my arms down and my legs too. I kept on fighting against all of them. 

"Stop it! I need to save Logan. Cole! Tell them to let me go!" I screamed to Cole. But all he did was put his hands on his mouth. It clearly said to me that he was shocked. He wasn't helping me. 

One of the nurse take out an injection, and flick some of the liquid out to check if it leaks out. 

They were going to put me into sleep, again. 

"NO! Don't you dare put that into me! I NEED TO GO, HE'S WAITING FOR ME!!!" I yelled at the nurses faces. I struggled and managed to escape their grip, I was going to get off the bed, when the nurses came on my back and managed to get me on the ed once again. 

They had a tight grip and the nurse shot me the injection. The last thing I saw was Cole saying,'Eveything will be fine.'

Then my eyes close.


(Author's POV)

"Doctor what's wrong with her. I thought you said it would be normal for her to react this way, but she didn't even once say anything about her mom." Cole snapped at the doctor/ neurosurgeon. 

The doctor took off his glasses, and took out the MRI scans of Ariella's head. He displayed it on the light board and switched it open. He was observing the seven years ago test, to yesterday's test they took after Ariella woke up. 

"Cole I had many cases like these. It is normal." The doctor said. 

"Normal?" Cole questioned. 

"Yes. Her tumor was spreading in her left artery, and went to her sleep chamber part of her brain, where people usually get dreams. One of my patient last year, she was just like Ariella. She had a tumor for three years while in comatose. She woke up and began asking where her three month old baby was. The tumor made her believed in an imagination that was never true. She kept on saying that her husband was a engineer and they got  married, and having their first baby." The doctor explained. 

Cole was confused, he partially did not get what the doctor was talking about. 

"The tumor made the patient's mind create these character, that were never true. With Ariella's case that is what is happening." The doctor added. 

"So this 'Logan' she is talking about, the tumor caused the brain to create it?" Cole asked the doctor.

"Yes." The doctor said. 

Cole takes a deep breath, and rubs his temples. He couldn't believe his best friend had to go through this. He never wanted Ariella to get hurt, and all he sees is hurt in her full of hope eyes. 

"What happened to the other patient?" Cole asked. 

"We,...." The doctor stopped, afraid to tell Cole the biggest thing that can benefit for Ariella's whole life. 

"What?" Cole snapped. 

"We erased that part of imagination the tumor left." The doctor told her. 

"That's the last step of the recovery, isn't it?" Cole said, trying to hold the tears that were welling in his eyes. 

"It is, after that she leads herself to a normal life. It's up to you, since she doesn't have any caretaker. You have to make the decision. You can take your time." The doctor said. 

Cole looked out the window, and saw the Windy city of Chicago. It was pouring rain  outside. The doctor put the files back in the folders, and his pager beeped.

Cole was the caretaker of Ariella. He was the only person left for Ariella, in her life. Friends look after each other right? He didn't want to lose her, and now the best choice he had, he should take it before Ariella wakes up again, and hurts herself more. 

The doctor was heading out the door, when Cole stopped him. 

"Doctor, wait." Cole said. 

"Yes." The doctor replied, stopping from his tracks. 

"Do the surgery." The doctor was hesitant, and he nodded, leaving. 







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