45. Sterling Reunion

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90K READ ON HIS DARK COLD LOVE!!!!!!! I cannot even start on how much I love you guys for this!! At first when I saw it my face was having a 'wat dafa' moment, and then the pride and jumping up and down moment came. ( I was in my school's library and got many stares while living my life's AWESOME experiences!!) 

I love you guys, and I'm sorry i update verrrrrry slow, its just its junior year aka the most important year, and i promise all of my breaks from now on will be dedicated into wiriting and finishing this book. So don't be shocked when this book is done by New Years!!

So I'll just shut up and end this a/n and leave you guys to it, I looooooveee you guys and keep reading!!

I'm really digging the photo I provided in this chapter, hbu? what do you think about it?

WARNING : Not edited - so plz ignore the mistakes. had to update on this very fine occasion.


As I was trying to take all this information in, when  one of the steel wall opens and on the other side of the all walk in people in all black wear.




One of the bulkier army-cut hair goes by Daniel and whispers something to him. I try to make out the word coming out of his stern mouth, but all I got was nothing.  Daniel gave a brief nod before turning his gaze towards my confused one and said something.


“Ready for a family reunion, Sterling?” Daniel blankly asked me.


I stared at him with disbelief, and then looked at the bulky dude before I walked to a corner and started breathing in and out.


Okay, Ariella. seven years of therapy should be able to work at this moment. Now, start numbering events. You can do this.


My dad is-was a hunter.

My grandfather was head of an ancient group of supernatural hunters.

Anna was part of this group.

And this same group have been trying to kill my so-called fiance for the last two hundred years.


A executive producer can come with a reality show contract for my ‘Oh so wonderful Kardashian life’ anytime now.


Other than the thought of my clothing appearance being not appropriate for a family reunion, my greatest worry of all is if I am comfortable and acceptive of this discovery I have told. I mean the supernatural have kept their peace with human centuries ago, having hunters is no use.


Unless if the supernatural themselves are breaking laws and codes.


I take one deep breath before heading back to my original spot. Daniel patiently waits for my words to move.


“I only have one question for you Daniel.” I faltered.


“Yes.” His voice lingered.

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