4. That Night - A Life Changing Moment.

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I sprinted the fourteen mile driveway, and stopped. I was beginning to get things in order.

1. Logan is a vampire.

2. I get visions whenever I see him.

3. COLE seems to be somehow involved with Logan.

I feel like I'm betrayed, by people who I trust the most. I suck all the breath nature was giving me, and drop the ground on my knees. My situation was similiar when in book they question, How can one day change you life? I needed to calm, down, and I knew where to go.

Two hours and fourty-five minutes, seven miles, and loadful of tears, that can never be wiped, Later.

I stare at the grave of my mom., and the carving on stone. 

Margaret Elizabeth Sterling. Born 1979, Died 2007. A Beloved Mother, Who Never Gave Up. 

My mom died when I was twelve. I didn't know anything about my dad, he left my mom when he found out she was pregnant at 16. My mom always used to tell me he was a gentleman, wise, intellegent, and charming.

Whenever I asked her when dad will come home. She would always say soon. My other friends played baseball with their dads, I just read books on a park bench, wishing that he would come soon, and throw the book and 'play ball'. 

Sometimes I used to curse at the man, who was the reason my mom cried every night of her life. A mom who had the skills of a chef at cooking, a mom who would have a baking fight while making cookies during Christmas, a mom who would read fairy tales to me at night, and used to tell me that a prince who will take my heart away, will come for me and sweep me off  on his white horse. 

 Now that I am the age my mom was going through her situations, I loathe him. How could he back down at my mom like that? he was supposed to be the supporter. No, he left the minute he got to know I was in my mom's stomach. 

I will say he is going to regret to leave mom, who was a soft-hearted woman. And now, I'm all alone, because of that night. 


December 19, 2007. 7:05 P.M.

"Jingle Bell time is a swell time, to go gliding in a one-horse sleigh. Giddy-up Jingle Horse, pick up our feet, Jingle is the clock-"

"No Ari, it's Jingle around the clock', not 'Jingle is the clock'." Mom said putting a hair lock behind my ears.

"But Cole told me the choir changed the lyric,"  I said to Mom.

"And you believed him?" Mom grinned and raised an eyebrow. 

"Cole is so going to get it during practice." I gritted my teeth.

"Ari, no violence talking in my house, do you understand?" Mom said in a demanding voice.

"Yes Sir, yes." I mocked. she ruffled my hair and told me to get ready. My mom was on the phone, she was talking buisness. 

She was the C.E.O of Sterling Corporation. My grandpa handed down the family buisness to my mom. He died before I was born so I never go to know him, but I heard good stories about him. The town people adore him ( and my mom), and always say to me 'Was a jolly good man.' My grandma died when she gave birth to my mom. The doctor just saved one.

I was in the living, decorating the final touches of the house, to make it feel more  ''Holiday Greeting'.  My mom comes back from her office to the living room, yelling. Her left side was facing me, on her ear, she had a Bluetooth. 

"What do you mean you can't find the file, Do you even know how to use a MacBook?"  She was trying not to get mad.

I just let her deal with that, so I continued my work. After all the ornaments, stockings, reefs, and the Christmas tree star was hung up, I took a step back, and sighed from the wonderland. 

"Ari Honey, I have to run to the building, so I'll just going have to drop you off to choir lessons right now." My mom said to me.

Heck no, I was no mood in being early. I had a reputation for always being late. Plus, I couldn't miss my favorite show, Once Upon A Time. 

"Mom you go ahead, I'll just ask Cole to pick me up while he's goin'. You can just go, I'll be fine." I said. 

My mom was already putting on her jacket, and putting files in her bag/purse. She smiled signaling an 'ok' gesture, 

"Alright, but don't forget to take out the cookies from the oven, close the light, and turn down the heater." My mom said as she came to kiss my cheek.

"Will do, Bye Mom. Love you, and be careful of the snow while driving." I said.

"Bye Hun, I sure will. Love you too," she replied. 

She closed the main door of our family house, that went down to heirs for about forty years. I was going up to my room when suddenly my whole house went shaking and black dust was everywhere.

I cough up all the smoke that was filling into my lungs. It was reallt hard to see becasue of the black fog. I guess I was the stairs, and right behind me, I felt a hot touch meet my skin. I flinch from the burn.

I came to realize that there was a fire in my house, and I was trapped. I kept screaming 'Help', but I knew no one would hear me. I was sobbing at that point. I didn't even realize I had fainted. 

I might have open my eyelids when I felt someone cover up my body with a cloth. After that, I was comforted in a warm yet a little cold feeling. Someone picked me up bridal style. I kept trying to open my eyes, but all I saw was a masked person, who kept telling me to 'stay awake'.

We were out of my house. I heard sirens and firetrucks. Water being poured to my burned house. The last thing I saw before I was sent to the permedics, was my mom's car blasted and burned. On the driver's seat was a body that was burned and was being covered by a white cloth.

A tear comes down my cheeks because the body was no one other than my mom. 


After I had been awakening from the hospital, the doctors told me I had some bruise on my left arm, that would stay forever. 

Since my house was burned down, I had only one option, to move into a town house my mom still owns. The fire, apparently spread wildly, that even burned my neighbors' house. It was Kate's parents, she wasn't there, she was already in choir lessons. Her parents did survive, they were out shopping, getting their Christmas decorations. 

I blame myself for my mom's death, somehow I feel the fire was caused by me. 

Cole still came everyday, to give me an arm through those memories I used to have with my mom. I retrieved one thing from the fire, and that was my mom's charm bracelet. 

I sniffle my last cry and put a rose on my mom's grave. I get up and leave. Walking down the streets of the Town of Stickney. 

Someone stops me from my tracks. 

"You didn't come when I told you too." Logan sneered in front of my face.


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