Chp 40. Endlessly

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“This talk between us isn’t over, you know.” Logan hastily said as he and I were pacing fastly to the dinner-room where we had heard that booming voice. My feet were hurting from the heels I was wearing and walking fastly in heels is not the easiest thing to do if you’re a female.

“Do our conversation ever end properly without any interruptions?” I sarcastically said.

“Watch your tone, Ariella Sterling.” Logan hissed. We made a turn to the big hall that leaded to the dinner-room.

“Why do you keep calling me with my full name?” I argued. It was annoying me, because I felt more like I was having a conversation with a teacher more than my implied fiancee.

“People take things seriously when you say their full name.” Logan sternly said as he saw no guards who were supposed to be guarding the entrance to the dinner-room and took a worried glance as he opened through the massive doors.

The thing was that everything was normal when we went back.  Everyone was still chattering with gold glasses of wine in their hands. Waiters and waitresses were still giving out drinks and little appetizers. It was the same feeling and look to what I left a few moments before. If the noise came from the dinner-room, then why didn’t anyone react to it?I looked over to Logan and gave him a confused look and he just had his cold blank expression on him. He wasn’t looking towards my way, he was looking at something else.

I followed his gaze with mine and then my eyes widened with shock and fear.

It was Daniel standing way far from us within a crowd.

He was in a black suit with a very dark aura covering him. His eyes weren’t the normal chocolate brown eyes, they were  pitch dark green. His hair wasn’t the same chestnut hair, it was now jet black. He looked different. He was different. He raised a glass towards Logan and I and when he averted his eyes to me their was a little pool of tears that was forming in his eyes as he gave me a small smile.

I didn’t know how to react to that. He killed his own father and he expects me to show some sympathy towards him? It would be totally stupid if I gave a chance. Which I do know I will never, ever give him know. Daniel took a sip from his glass and then looked back at Logan.

His expression changed when he looked at Logan. The smile long faded and his jaw was tightening, as if he was controlling himself. He mouthed something to Logan which I did catch but didn’t make any sense of.

I took a step forward to walk up to Daniel and confront him. I eventually had to. Daniel saw me making my way towards him and he gave me a warm smile before someone passed by him blocking my view of Daniel. When the person cleared the way, Daniel was gone.

I look around the crowd of people - more precisely of vampires - and search for him everywhere. He was gone and I didn’t encounter what his presence tonight meant. I shuffled more to look where he might have gone but after a few minutes of not finding him, I gave up.

Before I can make another step I come face to face with Logan.

“What did he mean by mouthing, ‘The truth.’?” I quickly asked.

Logan said nothing as he continued to look at me with an expression that was killing me in the inside. He was now drowning me with a sea of doubts and it wasn’t okay for me whenever he doesn’t answer the questions that eat me alive.

“Ladies & Gentleman, and the members of the Vampire Council,” The King started off. Logan’ father looked professional in a grey suit and his signature gold embroidered cape, and the Queen - Logan’s mother - who was in a green laced ballroom dress that made her look so much younger and royal.

“It is a great pleasure for me to announce two very important remarks that is the reason for this Grand Feast.” The King said while raising his glass to get everyone’s attention in the room.

“Hey, where did you run off? I was finding you everywhere.” Kate whispered a she stood with me with Luke by her side. I gave both of them a smile and try to not to look mad and angry which I really wanted to display as. I wanted to take one of those fancy dinner plate they had settled on the table and smash it on the ground. I needed something to vent my anger. Pronto.

“First, I would like to honour my son, Prince Logan, who will be passed down for the King title tomorrow. “ The King said with a huge smile on his face.  The King motioned hi glass towards Logan direction. Everyone started clapping. Except me.

Hey, don’t judge me. He’s not telling me the real reason why he’s being Kings, and why all of the sudden wants me to marry him. Life’s not fair, and I’m not clapping.

Logan noticed and crept his arm around my waist. I try to release his hold from me but he was more stronger with his death grip and strength.

“And secondly, bonding his soul with his true soul mate, Ariella Sterling, in the hand of marriage, and your future Queen.” The King announced.

My head was spinning and I was going to hurl. People around us started to clap and make noises and I was feeling sick, because I just realized that if I was to marry Logan, I would end up taking the Queen post.

I look up to Logan and he sees my bloodshot eyes that were forming tears in them. He intertwined his hand with mine and the familiar sparks and butterflies  erupt inside me.

“I promise I won’t keep secrets from you no more. I’ll tell you everything one this event is done.” Logan whispered in my ear. It gave me tickled and I was going to giggle, but I held it. Logan planted a kiss on my forehead and I close my eyes as I felt the warmth of his kiss spread through me.

“You have to remember promises.” I said in a hushed tone.


Question to the Chapter :

What do you think what Daniel said when he mouthed to Logan, ‘The truth’?

(Major shockers in the next chapter!! It’ll blow your mind. Will be updated on Tuesday)

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