17. Something Are Never Meant To Be Forgotton.

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(Anna's POV)

"Thank you so much for coming at a such notice, we have a problem." Kate said to a dark brown hair girl with classes. 

"What happened, why does she exactly  look like Anna." The dark brown hair girl said, her jaw dropped looking at me. 

"I am Anna, for your concern." I said to her. 

"Her name is Anna." the guy, Cole said, out of the blue. 

"I think Claire already knows that part you, IDIOT!" Kate yelled at him.

"What do you remember the last thing that happened?" asked the girl, Claire. 

"Well, I remember being kidnapped after the castle's guards ended killing my father.-" I stop and see everyone's wide open eyes. I continue, "Meeting the King, him telling me about being his son's 'soul-mate' and that we were going to get married. I ran off as fast I can, then this blue mist appeared in front of me, and while I was fading, I saw a mirror reflection of me, but it wasn't." I explained. 

"What do you mean, 'it wasn't you.'?" Claire asked. 

"She looked exactly like me, but with black hair, and dark brown eyes.She was wearing the a weird kind of a puppet cloth on herself." I said to all of them.

Cole clapped his hands and said,"That's Ari."

"Who?" I asked, but I was ignored. 

"Oh. My. God." Claire said. 

"What?" Kate questioned. 

"Ariella went through the mirror." Claire said. 

"How?" Cole asked. 

"That mirror was made from the powerful witch in Shadowland, she only summons and gives a person a to go through a mirror, to the people who reincarnate and go back to their previous life, to  do it over again." Claire explained. 

"It was never found. That's whats ironic to me." she added. 

"How can we bring back Ari?" Cole asked.

"Yeah, and how does Anna go back?' Kat added.

"It doesn't work that way, the witch summons the mirror's magic, to give the reincarnated person a evidence of how they died." Claire said, shaking her head. 

Everyone put their heads down, and Cole slumped over the weird looking sofa's.

"But, there is only one way." Claire said. 

"WHAT1" Cole and Kate said together. Funny.

"One of them has to sacrifice, the magic of the mirror will manifest them back to their orginal orgin."

"Are you serious, someone has to die!" Cole said in disbelief. 

"Is there another way?" Kate pleaded.

"There is?" Claire said. 

"What?" I asked, Claire looked at me. 

"If both cannot sacrifice, then they have to sacrifice their soul-mate." Claire sadly said. 

Can I give up my own life, or the person I am supposedly spend my whole life with?

Who is my soulmate in the first place?"

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