18. Fallen for You

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(Ariella's in 1800"s, Shadowland, POV)

You kill him, and you're free. the words float through my mind. The same words a guy who I came across a couple of days  ago said to me,  'Daniel'. 

----- ( 2 days ago)------

"I don't know what you're talking about, my husband is in the real world, working for the royals there in the Northern Americas. " Maggie aka Mom said to me. 

Right after my fight and relization that Logan is a human  and I'm his reincarnated soulmate, I try to work out the promblem with my still alive mom. Who is very young of age to be legally married. 

She's 17, my age. Looks just like in the photo's of her high school yearbooks. That was impossible but, Maggie says she was home-schooled, and never knowledge a proper education because of the 'No women allowed to be educated'  policy era. Even in Shadowland.

"What is your husbands name?" I ask. She blushes crazy and holds the  knitted sweater she was going to give her husband when he comes tommorow. 

"His name is William, but I call him Willy. He's two years older than me. We known each other since childhood. "

Two years older, acceptable, the fact that he's nineteen, and she's seventeen. They're close to being mature enough to handle things. 

"He's some kind a a buisness worker?" I asked.

We were in my room. This room had even a larger size, and had a old royal kind of style to it. The only thing that I hated were the clothes I had, the corset I had to wear underneath, and don't even get me started when peope nag ot me to have 'lady manners'

"Enough with my married life, when are you going to tie the knot?" she asked.

"I don't know. Well, I had this plan that I would get engaged at 24, plan my whole wedding at 25, and get married at 26." I stated. 

"Good Heavens, you'll be too old to get  married then!" Maggie gave me a shocking  face. 

"That's the point?" I said in a 'no duh' voice. 

"Hey Maggie?" I asked.  This was it, part of my plan to find out what happened. 

"Yes Anna?" Maggie said. 

"How did you exactly come into Shadowland?" I asked. 

Maggie stoped what she was doing, and looked at me, gave me a wry smile and sat down on the bed, properly. 

"Shadowland is the worst place a mortal can ever step into. The people are different, the race is different, and most of all of the whole land is different. I remember the time when I came into Shadowland, I was sold from the  mortal world to here." She said. 

"You were sold?!" I interrupted.

"My parent needed the money to save their family business, and so I was the only thing they had left for a treasure. I was only ten at the time. That's how William and I met. Through slavery." Maggie said. 

"Then how did you get the high post of the Head of Maids, at a very young age." I asked. 

"The King was very impressed of my impression through slavery. I was mostly quiet, and I did all my work in a given time, so he decided to buy me at the slave house. But I made a bargain with him." she told me .

"What was it?" I asked confused. 

"I would only come, if he takes William too." she said, tears brimming in her eyes.

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